((dp1 S'unitKey' p2 S'' sS'taxonName' p3 S'doe%' p4 sS'emptyThesaurus' p5 I00 sS'lang' p6 S'en' p7 sS'family' p8 S'' sS'collectionID' p9 S'' sS'photo' p10 I00 sS'qrm' p11 (dp12 S'typeList' p13 S'PreservedSpecimen' p14 sS'taxonNameList' p15 g4 sS'value' p16 S'taxonName:doe%; record basis:PreservedSpecimen; ' p17 ssS'thesaurusUsed' p18 VReference list for the German Bryophytes, European Register of Marine Species, Euro+Med Plantbase, German standard checklist, Fauna Europaea p19 sS'toload' p20 S'taxonBox' p21 sS'useToto' p22 I00 sS'unitID' p23 S'' sS'withData' p24 I01 sS'message' p25 S'' sS'collector' p26 S'' sS'queryparams' p27 (lp28 S'taxon' p29 aS'type' p30 asS'select' p31 S'taxon' p32 sS'collNumber' p33 S'' sS'group' p34 S'taxonBox' p35 sS'searchType' p36 S'advanced' p37 sS'locality' p38 S'' sS'checklistDic' p39 (dp40 S'Standardliste' p41 S'concept' p42 sS'Euro+Med Plantbase' p43 S'concept' p44 sS'ERMS' p45 S'noconcept' p46 sS'Moose' p47 S'concept' p48 sS'Fauna Europaea' p49 S'noconcept' p50 ssS'advancedFields' p51 (lp52 S'doe*' p53 aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' ag14 aI00 aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' asS'commonName' p54 S'' sS'nbUnitsDB' p55 S'5.768' p56 sS'params' p57 (dp58 S'familyList' p59 NsS'genusList' p60 Nsg13 NsS'higherList' p61 NsS'collectionList' p62 NsS'commonList' p63 NsS'collectorList' p64 NsS'institutionList' p65 NsS'countryList' p66 NsS'taxonList' p67 (lp68 sg25 NssS'recordBasis' p69 (lp70 sS'nbUnknown' p71 I0 sS'tableHeaders' p72 (lp73 S'taxonName' p74 aS'country' p75 aS'collectionId' p76 asS'multimediaOnly' p77 I00 sS'recordFilter' p78 NsS'specimenofthedaypic' p79 S'' sS'directLink' p80 I00 sS'collection' p81 S'' sS'qrmSaved' p82 (dp83 g13 g14 sg15 g4 ssS'unitSearch' p84 S'unitSimple' p85 sS'GBIFagreement' p86 I01 sS'fieldNumber' p87 S'' sS'checklists' p88 (dp89 VMoose p90 (lp91 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p92 (dp93 S'definition' p94 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p95 sS'todisplay' p96 I01 sS'displayName' p97 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p98 sS'name' p99 g90 sS'referenceIDs' p100 V17555 p101 sS'url' p102 Vhttp://www.buchweltshop.de/bfn/vegetation/vegetanz.jsp?id=105 p103 sS'referenceDisplayName' p104 VKoperski & al. p105 sS'referenceFullNames' p106 (lp107 VKoperski & al. p108 asS'relevance' p109 Vrelevant p110 sbasVFauna Europaea p111 (lp112 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p113 (dp114 g94 Vdatabase of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals p115 sg96 I01 sg97 VFauna Europaea p116 sg99 g111 sg100 S'' sg102 Vhttp://www.faunaeur.org/ p117 sg104 VFauna Europaea p118 sg106 (lp119 VFauna Europaea p120 asg109 Vrelevant p121 sbasVStandardliste wa p122 (lp123 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p124 (dp125 g94 VStandard list of the ferns and flowering plants of Germany p126 sg96 I00 sg97 VGerman standard checklist p127 sg99 g122 sg100 V3 sg102 Vhttp://www.amazon.com/Standardliste-Farn-Blütenpflanzen-Deutschlands-Wisskirchen/dp/3800133601/ p128 sg104 VBfN - FloraWeb DB (2003) p129 sg106 (lp130 VBfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003. p131 asg109 Vrelevant p132 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p133 (dp134 g94 g126 sg96 I00 sg97 g127 sg99 g122 sg100 V1 sg102 g128 sg104 VWisskirchen & Haeupler (1998) p135 sg106 (lp136 VR. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998. p137 asg109 Vrelevant p138 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p139 (dp140 g94 g126 sg96 I00 sg97 g127 sg99 g122 sg100 Vreference_id p141 sg102 g128 sg104 Vdisplay_name.. p142 sg106 (lp143 Vreference p144 aVname p145 asg109 Vrelevant p146 sbasVStandardliste p147 (lp148 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p149 (dp150 g94 VStandard list of the ferns and flowering plants of Germany p151 sg96 I00 sg97 VGerman standard checklist p152 sg99 g147 sg100 V3 sg102 Vhttp://www.amazon.com/Standardliste-Farn-Blütenpflanzen-Deutschlands-Wisskirchen/dp/3800133601/ p153 sg104 VBfN - FloraWeb DB (2003) p154 sg106 (lp155 VBfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003. p156 asg109 Vrelevant p157 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p158 (dp159 g94 g151 sg96 I01 sg97 g152 sg99 g147 sg100 V1 sg102 g153 sg104 VWisskirchen & Haeupler (1998) p160 sg106 (lp161 VR. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998. p162 asg109 Vrelevant p163 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p164 (dp165 g94 g151 sg96 I00 sg97 g152 sg99 g147 sg100 Vreference_id p166 sg102 g153 sg104 Vdisplay_name p167 sg106 (lp168 Vreference p169 aVname p170 asg109 Vrelevant p171 sbasVEuro+Med Plantbase p172 (lp173 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p174 (dp175 g94 Vinformation resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity p176 sg96 I01 sg97 VEuro+Med Plantbase p177 sg99 g172 sg100 V7000000_7700000 p178 sg102 Vhttp://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp p179 sg104 VCompositae Greuter p180 sg106 (lp181 VGreuter 2005-2007. p182 aVJ. Kirschner, J. \u0160tepánek & W. Greuter 2006-2007. p183 asg109 Vrelevant p184 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p185 (dp186 g94 g176 sg96 I01 sg97 g177 sg99 g172 sg100 V500000 p187 sg102 g179 sg104 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist p188 sg106 (lp189 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist as merged from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist and Flora of Macaronesia (for families not yet treated in Med-Checklist, the distributional record does not include N Africa and SW Asia).. p190 asg109 Vrelevant p191 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p192 (dp193 g94 g176 sg96 I00 sg97 g177 sg99 g172 sg100 Vreference_id p194 sg102 g179 sg104 Vdisplay_name? p195 sg106 (lp196 Vreference p197 aVname p198 asg109 Vrelevant p199 sbasVFauna Europaea wa p200 (lp201 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p202 (dp203 g94 Vdatabase of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals p204 sg96 I00 sg97 VFauna Europaea p205 sg99 g200 sg100 S'' sg102 Vhttp://www.faunaeur.org/ p206 sg104 VFauna Europaea p207 sg106 (lp208 VFauna Europaea p209 asg109 Vrelevant p210 sbasVERMS wa p211 (lp212 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p213 (dp214 g94 Van authoritative taxonomic list of species occurring in the European marine environment p215 sg96 I00 sg97 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p216 sg99 g211 sg100 S'' sg102 Vhttp://www.marbef.org/data/erms.php p217 sg104 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p218 sg106 (lp219 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p220 asg109 Vrelevant p221 sbasVMoose wa p222 (lp223 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p224 (dp225 g94 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p226 sg96 I00 sg97 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p227 sg99 g222 sg100 V17555 p228 sg102 Vhttp://www.buchweltshop.de/bfn/vegetation/vegetanz.jsp?id=105 p229 sg104 VKoperski & al. p230 sg106 (lp231 VKoperski & al. p232 asg109 Vrelevant p233 sbasVERMS p234 (lp235 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p236 (dp237 g94 Van authoritative taxonomic list of species occurring in the European marine environment p238 sg96 I01 sg97 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p239 sg99 g234 sg100 S'' sg102 Vhttp://www.marbef.org/data/erms.php p240 sg104 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p241 sg106 (lp242 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p243 asg109 Vrelevant p244 sbasVEuro+Med Plantbase wa p245 (lp246 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p247 (dp248 g94 Vinformation resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity p249 sg96 I00 sg97 VEuro+Med Plantbase p250 sg99 g245 sg100 V7000000_7700000 p251 sg102 Vhttp://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp p252 sg104 VCompositae Greuter p253 sg106 (lp254 VGreuter 2005-2007. p255 aVJ. Kirschner, J. \u0160tepánek & W. Greuter 2006-2007. p256 asg109 Vrelevant p257 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p258 (dp259 g94 g249 sg96 I00 sg97 g250 sg99 g245 sg100 V500000 p260 sg102 g252 sg104 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist p261 sg106 (lp262 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist as merged from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist and Flora of Macaronesia (for families not yet treated in Med-Checklist, the distributional record does not include N Africa and SW Asia).. p263 asg109 Vrelevant p264 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p265 (dp266 g94 g249 sg96 I00 sg97 g250 sg99 g245 sg100 Vreference_id p267 sg102 g252 sg104 Vdisplay_name! p268 sg106 (lp269 Vreference p270 aVname p271 asg109 Vrelevant p272 sbassS'u_qmg' p273 (dp274 S'occurrenceIDlist' p275 (lp276 sS'withLike' p277 I00 sS'uniqueTaxon' p278 I00 sS'advancedSearch' p279 I01 sS'taxonDico' p280 (dp281 sS'straightSearch' p282 I01 ssS'institution' p283 S'' sS'comingFrom' p284 S'http://localhost/binhum/search/units/advancedSearch/' p285 sS'reset' p286 S"SELECT canonicalname,GROUP_CONCAT(occurrenceid), COUNT(occurrenceid) FROM rawoccurrence JOIN identification r ON r.fk_occurrenceid = occurrenceid JOIN tripleidstore ON fk_tripleidstoreid = tripleidstoreid JOIN recordbasis ON fk_recordbasisid=recordbasisid LEFT JOIN collectors c ON c.fk_occurrenceid=occurrenceid LEFT JOIN multimedia m on m.fk_tripleidstoreid=tripleidstoreid LEFT JOIN identificationtohigher ON fk_rawidentificationid=identificationid LEFT JOIN higher h1 ON h1.highertaxaid=fk_highertaxaid AND h1.higherrank like 'fami%' LEFT JOIN higher h2 ON h2.highertaxaid=fk_highertaxaid AND h2.higherrank not like 'fami%' LEFT JOIN taxonAtomised t on r.fullscientificname=t.fullscientificname WHERE fullscientificname \t LIKE \t 'doe%' \t AND recordBasis \t = \t 'PreservedSpecimen' GROUP BY occurrenceid" p287 sS'showColumns' p288 g73 sS'nbResultsPerPage' p289 S'20' p290 sS'specimenName' p291 S'' sS'higherTaxon' p292 S'' sS'institutionID' p293 S'' sS'country' p294 S'' sS'resourceKey' p295 S'' sS'resultSet' p296 (lp297 sS'thesaurusListStr' p298 S'' sS'nbUnits' p299 I0 sS'coords' p300 (lp301 NaNaNaNasS'action' p302 S'' sS'genus' p303 S'' sS'fuzzySearched' p304 I00 scdatetime datetime p305 (S'\x07\xdd\t\x04\x0f*)\t\xca\xba' tRp306 t.