((dp1 S'taxonName' p2 S'Sil%' p3 sS'unitKey' p4 S'' sS'emptyThesaurus' p5 I00 sS'family' p6 S'' sS'photo' p7 I00 sS'qrm' p8 (dp9 S'collectorList' p10 S'(*Raab*)' p11 sS'typeList' p12 S'PreservedSpecimen' p13 sS'taxonNameList' p14 g3 sS'value' p15 S'taxonName:Sil%; collector:*Raab*; record basis:PreservedSpecimen; ' p16 ssS'thesaurusUsed' p17 VReference list for the German Bryophytes, European Register of Marine Species, Euro+Med Plantbase, German standard checklist, Fauna Europaea p18 sS'thesaurusListStr' p19 S'' sS'reset' p20 S"SELECT cast( group_concat(distinct canonicalname order by preferred desc) as char),cast( GROUP_CONCAT(distinct occurrenceid) as char), COUNT(distinct occurrenceid) FROM rawoccurrence JOIN identification r ON r.fk_occurrenceid = occurrenceid JOIN tripleidstore ON fk_tripleidstoreid = tripleidstoreid JOIN recordbasis ON fk_recordbasisid=recordbasisid LEFT JOIN collectors c ON c.fk_occurrenceid=occurrenceid LEFT JOIN multimedia m on m.fk_tripleidstoreid=tripleidstoreid LEFT JOIN identificationtohigher ON fk_rawidentificationid=identificationid LEFT JOIN rawhigher h1 ON h1.highertaxaid=fk_highertaxaid AND h1.higherrank like 'fami%' LEFT JOIN rawhigher h2 ON h2.highertaxaid=fk_highertaxaid AND h2.higherrank not like 'fami%' LEFT JOIN taxonAtomised t on r.fullscientificname=t.fullscientificname WHERE canonicalname \t LIKE \t'Sil%' \t AND collectorname \t LIKE \t'%Raab%' \t GROUP BY occurrenceid" p21 sS'useToto' p22 I00 sS'withData' p23 I01 sS'table' p24 (lp25 (lp26 VSilene humilis p27 aVSilene p28 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p29 aNaVcommon p30 aVAzerbaijan p31 aVQusar Rayon. SW part of Sah Düzü high valley, NW slopes of Jatikçay river valley towards Bazardüzü Mountain, ca. 7 km W of meteorological station. p32 aVHerbarium Berolinense p33 aVBGBM p34 aVB 10 0517004 p35 aV20.08.2011 p36 aNaL409L aV47.9194450378 p37 aV41.2138900757 p38 aVC. A.Mey. p39 aVPreservedSpecimen p40 aVE. von Raab-Straube, E. \u015eükürov & M. N\u04d9biyev p41 aVERS 4556 p42 aNaL2L aa(lp43 VSilene lacera p44 aVSilene p45 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p46 aNaVcommon p47 aVAzerbaijan p48 aVQusar Rayon. S part of Sah Düzü high valley, E slopes of Mahmudçay river valley towards Tufan Dag, ca. 2 km SSE of meteorological station. p49 aVHerbarium Berolinense p50 aVBGBM p51 aVB 10 0355847 p52 aV20.08.2011 p53 aNaL2662L aV48.0086097717 p54 aV41.2063903809 p55 aV(Steven)Sims p56 aVPreservedSpecimen p57 aVE. von Raab-Straube, E. \u015eükürov & M. N\u04d9biyev p58 aVERS 4503 p59 aNaL2L aa(lp60 VSilene lacera p61 aVSilene p62 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p63 aNaVcommon p64 aVAzerbaijan p65 aVQusar Rayon. S part of Sah Düzü high valley, E slopes of Mahmudçay river valley towards Tufan Dag, ca. 2 km SSE of meteorological station. p66 aVHerbarium Berolinense p67 aVBGBM p68 aVB 10 0355877 p69 aV20.08.2011 p70 aNaL2667L aV48.0086097717 p71 aV41.2063903809 p72 aV(Steven)Sims p73 aVPreservedSpecimen p74 aVE. von Raab-Straube, E. \u015eükürov & M. N\u04d9biyev p75 aVERS 4530 p76 aNaL2L aa(lp77 VSilene humilis p78 aVSilene p79 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p80 aNaVcommon p81 aVAzerbaijan p82 aVQusar Rayon. S part of Sah Düzü high valley, E slopes of Mahmudçay river valley towards Tufan Dag, ca. 2 km SSE of meteorological station. p83 aVHerbarium Berolinense p84 aVBGBM p85 aVB 10 0355889 p86 aV20.08.2011 p87 aNaL2670L aV48.0086097717 p88 aV41.2063903809 p89 aVC. A.Mey. p90 aVPreservedSpecimen p91 aVE. von Raab-Straube, E. \u015eükürov & M. N\u04d9biyev p92 aVERS 4542 p93 aNaL2L aa(lp94 VSilene p95 aVSilene p96 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p97 aNaVcommon p98 aVAzerbaijan p99 aVQuba Rayon. pass above Qudyalçay river valley, ca. 8 km ENE of Xinaliq on road to Quba. p100 aVHerbarium Berolinense p101 aVBGBM p102 aVB 10 0517054 p103 aV21.08.2011 p104 aNaL3052L aV48.2152786255 p105 aV41.1983337402 p106 aV aVPreservedSpecimen p107 aVE. von Raab-Straube, E. \u015eükürov & M. N\u04d9biyev p108 aVERS 4600 p109 aNaL2L aasS'nbUnitsDB' p110 S'3162' p111 sS'collector' p112 g11 sS'message' p113 S'' sS'select' p114 S'taxon' p115 sS'collNumber' p116 S'' sS'group' p117 S'taxonBox' p118 sS'searchType' p119 S'advanced' p120 sS'locality' p121 S'' sS'nbMulti' p122 L0L sS'twenty' p123 (lp124 (lp125 VSilene humilis p126 aVSilene p127 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p128 aV aV aVAzerbaijan p129 ag32 a(lp130 VHerbarium Berolinense p131 aVHerbarium Berolinense p132 aa(lp133 VBGBM p134 aVBGBM p135 aaVB 10 0517004 p136 aV20.08.2011 p137 aV aV aV47.9194450378 p138 aV41.2138900757 p139 aVC. A.Mey. p140 aVPreservedSpecimen p141 ag41 aVERS 4556 p142 aV aV aa(lp143 VSilene lacera p144 aVSilene p145 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p146 aV aV aVAzerbaijan p147 ag49 a(lp148 VHerbarium Berolinense p149 aVHerbarium Berolinense p150 aa(lp151 VBGBM p152 aVBGBM p153 aaVB 10 0355847 p154 aV20.08.2011 p155 aV aV aV48.0086097717 p156 aV41.2063903809 p157 aV(Steven)Sims p158 aVPreservedSpecimen p159 ag58 aVERS 4503 p160 aV aV aa(lp161 VSilene lacera p162 aVSilene p163 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p164 aV aV aVAzerbaijan p165 ag66 a(lp166 VHerbarium Berolinense p167 aVHerbarium Berolinense p168 aa(lp169 VBGBM p170 aVBGBM p171 aaVB 10 0355877 p172 aV20.08.2011 p173 aV aV aV48.0086097717 p174 aV41.2063903809 p175 aV(Steven)Sims p176 aVPreservedSpecimen p177 ag75 aVERS 4530 p178 aV aV aa(lp179 VSilene humilis p180 aVSilene p181 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p182 aV aV aVAzerbaijan p183 ag83 a(lp184 VHerbarium Berolinense p185 aVHerbarium Berolinense p186 aa(lp187 VBGBM p188 aVBGBM p189 aaVB 10 0355889 p190 aV20.08.2011 p191 aV aV aV48.0086097717 p192 aV41.2063903809 p193 aVC. A.Mey. p194 aVPreservedSpecimen p195 ag92 aVERS 4542 p196 aV aV aa(lp197 VSilene p198 aVSilene p199 aVCARYOPHYLLACEAE p200 aV aV aVAzerbaijan p201 ag100 a(lp202 VHerbarium Berolinense p203 aVHerbarium Berolinense p204 aa(lp205 VBGBM p206 aVBGBM p207 aaVB 10 0517054 p208 aV21.08.2011 p209 aV aV aV48.2152786255 p210 aV41.1983337402 p211 aV aVPreservedSpecimen p212 ag108 aVERS 4600 p213 aV aV aasS'checklistDic' p214 (dp215 S'Standardliste' p216 S'concept' p217 sS'Euro+Med Plantbase' p218 S'concept' p219 sS'ERMS' p220 S'noconcept' p221 sS'Moose' p222 S'concept' p223 sS'Fauna Europaea' p224 S'noconcept' p225 ssS'advancedFields' p226 (lp227 S'Sil*' p228 aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'*Raab*' p229 aS'any' p230 aI00 aS'' aS'' aS'' aS'' asS'commonName' p231 S'' sS'queryparams' p232 (lp233 g115 aS'collector' p234 aS'type' p235 asS's_link' p236 S' 1 ' p237 sS'recordBasis' p238 (lp239 (S'PreservedSpecimen' I5 tp240 asS'showColumns' p241 (lp242 S'taxonName' p243 aS'country' p244 aS'collectionId' p245 asS'currentPage' p246 I1 sS'nbUnknown' p247 I0 sS'tableHeaders' p248 g242 sS'available' p249 S'' sS'multimediaOnly' p250 I00 sS'confirmation' p251 (dp252 S'control' p253 S'/caucasus/static/images/control/control3.jpg' p254 sS'problematicTriplet' p255 (lp256 (S'B 10 0517004' p257 S'Herbarium Berolinense' p258 S'BGBM' p259 tp260 asS'otherTag' p261 I00 sS'corb' p262 (lp263 (lp264 g257 ag258 ag259 aS'Silene humilis' p265 ag257 aasS'record' p266 (dp267 L409L (dp268 S'taxonName' p269 (lp270 S'Silene humilis' p271 asS'collectorNumber' p272 (lp273 S'ERS 4556' p274 asS'family' p275 (lp276 S'CARYOPHYLLACEAE' p277 asS'locality' p278 (lp279 S'Qusar Rayon. SW part of Sah D\xc3\xbcz\xc3\xbc high valley, NW slopes of Jatik\xc3\xa7ay river valley towards Bazard\xc3\xbcz\xc3\xbc Mountain, ca. 7 km W of meteorological station.' p280 asS'url' p281 (lp282 S'None' p283 asS'country' p284 (lp285 S'Azerbaijan' p286 asS'author' p287 (lp288 S'C. A.Mey.' p289 asS'longitude' p290 (lp291 S'47.9194450378' p292 asS'latitude' p293 (lp294 S'41.2138900757' p295 asS'vernacular' p296 (lp297 S'common' p298 asS'fieldNumber' p299 (lp300 S'None' p301 asS'collection' p302 (lp303 S'Herbarium Berolinense' p304 asS'unitID' p305 (lp306 S'B 10 0517004' p307 asS'date' p308 (lp309 S'20.08.2011' p310 asS'genus' p311 (lp312 S'Silene' p313 asS'collector' p314 (lp315 S'E. von Raab-Straube, E. \xc5\x9e\xc3\xbck\xc3\xbcrov & M. N\xd3\x99biyev' p316 asS'institution' p317 (lp318 S'BGBM' p319 asS'higher' p320 (lp321 S'None' p322 asssS'controlUser' p323 S'Malus hybrid' p324 sS'controlTxt' p325 S'Malus hybrid' p326 sS'nbSelected' p327 I1 sS'nbCycle' p328 I0 sS'tripletDic' p329 (dp330 S'abcd___http://ww3.bgbm.org/biocase/pywrapper.cgi?dsa=Herbar___biocase_1_3' p331 (lp332 g260 assS'email' p333 NsS'fileID' p334 S'all77e0d74ab3_14_05_14.zip' p335 ssS'corb' p336 (lp337 sS'directLink' p338 I00 sS'collection' p339 S'' sS'unitSearch' p340 S'unitSimple' p341 sS'GBIFagreement' p342 I01 sS'fieldNumber' p343 S'' sS'size' p344 I5 sS'checklists' p345 (dp346 VMoose p347 (lp348 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p349 (dp350 S'definition' p351 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p352 sS'todisplay' p353 I01 sS'displayName' p354 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p355 sS'name' p356 g347 sS'referenceIDs' p357 V17555 p358 sS'url' p359 Vhttp://www.buchweltshop.de/bfn/vegetation/vegetanz.jsp?id=105 p360 sS'referenceDisplayName' p361 VKoperski & al. p362 sS'referenceFullNames' p363 (lp364 VKoperski & al. p365 asS'relevance' p366 Vrelevant p367 sbasVFauna Europaea p368 (lp369 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p370 (dp371 g351 Vdatabase of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals p372 sg353 I01 sg354 VFauna Europaea p373 sg356 g368 sg357 S'' sg359 Vhttp://www.faunaeur.org/ p374 sg361 VFauna Europaea p375 sg363 (lp376 VFauna Europaea p377 asg366 Vrelevant p378 sbasVStandardliste wa p379 (lp380 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p381 (dp382 g351 VStandard list of the ferns and flowering plants of Germany p383 sg353 I00 sg354 VGerman standard checklist p384 sg356 g379 sg357 V3 sg359 Vhttp://www.amazon.com/Standardliste-Farn-Blütenpflanzen-Deutschlands-Wisskirchen/dp/3800133601/ p385 sg361 VBfN - FloraWeb DB (2003) p386 sg363 (lp387 VBfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003. p388 asg366 Vrelevant p389 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p390 (dp391 g351 g383 sg353 I00 sg354 g384 sg356 g379 sg357 V1 sg359 g385 sg361 VWisskirchen & Haeupler (1998) p392 sg363 (lp393 VR. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998. p394 asg366 Vrelevant p395 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p396 (dp397 g351 g383 sg353 I00 sg354 g384 sg356 g379 sg357 Vreference_id p398 sg359 g385 sg361 Vdisplay_name.. p399 sg363 (lp400 Vreference p401 aVname p402 asg366 Vrelevant p403 sbasVStandardliste p404 (lp405 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p406 (dp407 g351 VStandard list of the ferns and flowering plants of Germany p408 sg353 I00 sg354 VGerman standard checklist p409 sg356 g404 sg357 V3 sg359 Vhttp://www.amazon.com/Standardliste-Farn-Blütenpflanzen-Deutschlands-Wisskirchen/dp/3800133601/ p410 sg361 VBfN - FloraWeb DB (2003) p411 sg363 (lp412 VBfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003. p413 asg366 Vrelevant p414 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p415 (dp416 g351 g408 sg353 I01 sg354 g409 sg356 g404 sg357 V1 sg359 g410 sg361 VWisskirchen & Haeupler (1998) p417 sg363 (lp418 VR. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998. p419 asg366 Vrelevant p420 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p421 (dp422 g351 g408 sg353 I00 sg354 g409 sg356 g404 sg357 Vreference_id p423 sg359 g410 sg361 Vdisplay_name p424 sg363 (lp425 Vreference p426 aVname p427 asg366 Vrelevant p428 sbasVEuro+Med Plantbase p429 (lp430 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p431 (dp432 g351 Vinformation resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity p433 sg353 I01 sg354 VEuro+Med Plantbase p434 sg356 g429 sg357 V7000000_7700000 p435 sg359 Vhttp://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp p436 sg361 VCompositae Greuter p437 sg363 (lp438 VGreuter 2005-2007. p439 aVJ. Kirschner, J. \u0160tepánek & W. Greuter 2006-2007. p440 asg366 Vrelevant p441 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p442 (dp443 g351 g433 sg353 I01 sg354 g434 sg356 g429 sg357 V500000 p444 sg359 g436 sg361 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist p445 sg363 (lp446 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist as merged from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist and Flora of Macaronesia (for families not yet treated in Med-Checklist, the distributional record does not include N Africa and SW Asia).. p447 asg366 Vrelevant p448 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p449 (dp450 g351 g433 sg353 I00 sg354 g434 sg356 g429 sg357 Vreference_id p451 sg359 g436 sg361 Vdisplay_name? p452 sg363 (lp453 Vreference p454 aVname p455 asg366 Vrelevant p456 sbasVFauna Europaea wa p457 (lp458 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p459 (dp460 g351 Vdatabase of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals p461 sg353 I00 sg354 VFauna Europaea p462 sg356 g457 sg357 S'' sg359 Vhttp://www.faunaeur.org/ p463 sg361 VFauna Europaea p464 sg363 (lp465 VFauna Europaea p466 asg366 Vrelevant p467 sbasVERMS wa p468 (lp469 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p470 (dp471 g351 Van authoritative taxonomic list of species occurring in the European marine environment p472 sg353 I00 sg354 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p473 sg356 g468 sg357 S'' sg359 Vhttp://www.marbef.org/data/erms.php p474 sg361 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p475 sg363 (lp476 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p477 asg366 Vrelevant p478 sbasVMoose wa p479 (lp480 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p481 (dp482 g351 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p483 sg353 I00 sg354 VReference list for the German Bryophytes p484 sg356 g479 sg357 V17555 p485 sg359 Vhttp://www.buchweltshop.de/bfn/vegetation/vegetanz.jsp?id=105 p486 sg361 VKoperski & al. p487 sg363 (lp488 VKoperski & al. p489 asg366 Vrelevant p490 sbasVERMS p491 (lp492 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p493 (dp494 g351 Van authoritative taxonomic list of species occurring in the European marine environment p495 sg353 I01 sg354 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p496 sg356 g491 sg357 S'' sg359 Vhttp://www.marbef.org/data/erms.php p497 sg361 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p498 sg363 (lp499 VEuropean Register of Marine Species p500 asg366 Vrelevant p501 sbasVEuro+Med Plantbase wa p502 (lp503 (ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p504 (dp505 g351 Vinformation resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity p506 sg353 I00 sg354 VEuro+Med Plantbase p507 sg356 g502 sg357 V7000000_7700000 p508 sg359 Vhttp://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp p509 sg361 VCompositae Greuter p510 sg363 (lp511 VGreuter 2005-2007. p512 aVJ. Kirschner, J. \u0160tepánek & W. Greuter 2006-2007. p513 asg366 Vrelevant p514 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p515 (dp516 g351 g506 sg353 I00 sg354 g507 sg356 g502 sg357 V500000 p517 sg359 g509 sg361 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist p518 sg363 (lp519 VEuro+Med preliminary checklist as merged from Flora Europaea, Med-Checklist and Flora of Macaronesia (for families not yet treated in Med-Checklist, the distributional record does not include N Africa and SW Asia).. p520 asg366 Vrelevant p521 sba(ithesaurus.ThesaurusLoader Thesaurus p522 (dp523 g351 g506 sg353 I00 sg354 g507 sg356 g502 sg357 Vreference_id p524 sg359 g509 sg361 Vdisplay_name! p525 sg363 (lp526 Vreference p527 aVname p528 asg366 Vrelevant p529 sbassS'u_qmg' p530 (dp531 S'occurrenceIDlist' p532 (lp533 S'409' p534 aS'2662' p535 aS'2667' p536 aS'2670' p537 aS'3052' p538 asS'withLike' p539 I00 sS'uniqueTaxon' p540 I00 sS'advancedSearch' p541 I01 sS'params' p542 (dp543 S'collectionList' p544 NsS'higherList' p545 Nsg12 NsS'genusList' p546 NsS'familyList' p547 NsS'commonList' p548 NsS'collectorList' p549 NsS'institutionList' p550 NsS'taxonList' p551 (lp552 (S'Silene' p553 L1L tp554 a(S'Silene humilis' p555 L2L tp556 a(S'Silene lacera' p557 L2L tp558 asS'countryList' p559 NssS'refineTaxon' p560 I00 sS'taxonDico' p561 (dp562 g553 g538 sg555 (lp563 g534 ag537 asg557 (lp564 g535 ag536 assS'straightSearch' p565 I01 ssS'nbResults' p566 I5 sS'institution' p567 S'' sS'comingFrom' p568 S'http://localhost/caucasus/search/units/advancedSearch/' p569 sS'lang' p570 S'en' p571 sS'recordFilter' p572 NsS'nbResultsPerPage' p573 S'20' p574 sS'genus' p575 S'' sS'higherTaxon' p576 S'' sS'checkedBoxes' p577 (lp578 S'B 10 0517004~~$$$$~~Herbarium Berolinense~~$$$$~~BGBM~~$$$$~~Silene humilis' p579 asS'country' p580 S'' sS'resultSet' p581 ((S'Silene humilis' S'409' L1L t(S'Silene lacera' S'2662' L1L t(S'Silene lacera' S'2667' L1L t(S'Silene humilis' S'2670' L1L t(S'Silene' S'3052' L1L ttp582 sS'toload' p583 g115 sS'nbUnits' p584 I5 sS'coords' p585 (lp586 NaNaNaNasS'params' p587 g543 sS'action' p588 S'' sS'highlight' p589 S'typeBox' p590 sS'qrmSaved' p591 (dp592 g10 g11 sg14 g3 ssS'fuzzySearched' p593 I00 scdatetime datetime p594 (S'\x07\xde\x05\x0e\x0c\x13\x13\t}\x11' tRp595 t.