Encoding of accented characters
The Euro+Med remote editor does currently not rely on unicode aware software components especially
with respect to browsers used to carry out taxonomic revisions. Therefore, diacritic characters
used in author strings must be encoded as specified in the
Euro+Med data standards. When trying to enter a diacritic character, please consult an ASCII table
first. If the character appears there, just copy it to you text field or use your keyboard to enter it directly.
If it is not contained in the ASCII table, please use the following table to encode the character. For example, a capital C with a Caron (hatschek)
is not included in the ASCII table and therefore needs to be recorded as 'C$K'.
$U |
$Z |
$O |
$C |
$A |
$Y |
$G |
$D |
$F |
$X |
$K |
$H |
$B |
$W |
$M |
$E |