Do you really want to choose #OneName1.FullNameCache# as a homonym of #OneName.FullNameCache# ?
Do you really want to choose #OneName1.FullNameCache# as an orthographic variant of #OneName.FullNameCache# ?
Do you really want to choose #OneName1.FullNameCache# only as a basionym or as both a basionym and a synonym of #OneName.FullNameCache# ?
Do you really want to choose #OneName1.FullNameCache# only as a basionym of #OneName.FullNameCache# or
as both a basionym of #OneName.FullNameCache# and a synonym of #AcceptedTaxon.FullNameCache# ?
Do you really want to choose #OneName1.FullNameCache# only as a basionym of #OneName.FullNameCache# or
as both a basionym of #OneName.FullNameCache# and a pro parte synonym of