<% ' Include file with specific project code to add at the end of the potential taxon view ' Parameters: Rptaxon("PTNameFk") --> integer with the NameId of the Potential Taxon. ' Rptaxon("PTRefFk") --> second part of the potential taxon primary key with the reference id ' Rptaxon("StatusFk") --> the status of the PTaxon, 1 accepted, 2 synonym, 3 unresolved ' ' Example of a connection to the database: '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' SQL="SELECT * FROM Name WHERE...." ' Set Rconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Rconn.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING ' Rconn.Source = SQL ' Rconn.CursorType = 3 ' Rconn.CursorLocation = 2 ' Rconn.LockType = 1 ' Rconn.Open() ' if Rconn.RecordCount > 0 then ' Response.write("Example: ") ' While NOT Rconn.EOF ' Response.write(""&Rconn("FactCategory")&":"&Rconn("Fact")&"") ' Rfacts.Movenext ' Wend ' end if 'Rconn.close 'set Rconn=Nothing '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% ' Show the Type information SQL="SELECT Name.NameId, Type.TypeId, Type.TypeCache FROM Name INNER JOIN Type ON Name.TypeId = Type.TypeId WHERE Name.NameId = " & Rptaxon("PTNameFk") Set Rtype = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Rtype.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING Rtype.Source = SQL Rtype.CursorType = 3 Rtype.CursorLocation = 2 Rtype.LockType = 1 Rtype.Open() if Rtype.RecordCount > 0 then Response.write("Type:"&Rtype("TypeCache")&"") end if Rtype.close set Rtype=Nothing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %> <%' Taking care of the Distribution code TDWG DISTRIBUTION CODE '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQL="SELECT DISTINCT PTaxonGeoTDWG.PTNameFk, PTaxonGeoTDWG.PTRefFk, tblLevel1.[L1 continent] AS continent, tblLevel2.[L2 region] AS region, tblLevel3.[L3 area] AS area, GeoTDWG.BasicRecUnitName AS subarea, PTaxonGeoTDWG.doubtful, PTaxonGeoTDWG.extinct, PTaxonGeoTDWG.nv, PTaxonGeoTDWG.n FROM tblLevel2 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblLevel3 RIGHT OUTER JOIN GeoTDWG RIGHT OUTER JOIN PTaxonGeoTDWG ON GeoTDWG.BasicRecUnitCode_Pk4 = PTaxonGeoTDWG.l4_code ON tblLevel3.[L3 code] = PTaxonGeoTDWG.l3_code ON tblLevel2.[L2 code] = PTaxonGeoTDWG.l2_code LEFT OUTER JOIN tblLevel1 ON PTaxonGeoTDWG.l1_code = tblLevel1.[L1 code] WHERE (PTaxonGeoTDWG.PTNameFk = "& Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") AND (dbo.PTaxonGeoTDWG.PTRefFk = "& Rptaxon("PTRefFk") &")" Set Rdistrib = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Rdistrib.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING Rdistrib.Source = SQL Rdistrib.CursorType = 3 Rdistrib.CursorLocation = 2 Rdistrib.LockType = 1 Rdistrib.Open() if Rdistrib.Recordcount >0 then %> Distribution table: <% control_cont=0 control_reg=0 control_area=0 control_subarea=0 While not Rdistrib.eof if Rdistrib("continent")<>last_cont then control_cont=control_cont+1 if (control_cont mod 2)=0 then color_continent="#E6E6D9" else color_continent="#C9C9AD" end if end if if Rdistrib("region")<>last_reg then control_reg=control_reg+1 if (control_reg mod 2)=0 then color_region="#FFF4DF" else color_region="#FFEAC1" end if end if if Rdistrib("area")<>last_area then control_area=control_area+1 if (control_area mod 2)=0 then color_area="#DBDBDB" else color_area="#EBEBEB" end if end if control_subarea=control_subarea+1 if Rdistrib("subarea")<>"" then color_subarea="#B2B2B2" else color_subarea="#F8F8F8" end if %> <% last_cont=Rdistrib("continent") last_reg=Rdistrib("region") last_area=Rdistrib("area") Rdistrib.MoveNext wend %>
<%if Rdistrib("continent")<>last_cont then%><%=Rdistrib("continent")%><%end if%> <%if Rdistrib("region")<>last_reg then%><%=Rdistrib("region")%><%end if%> <%if Rdistrib("area")<>last_area then%><%=Rdistrib("area")%><%end if%> <%if Rdistrib("subarea")<>last_subarea then%><%=Rdistrib("subarea")%><%end if%><%if Rdistrib("doubtful")=True then%> (doubtful)<%end if%><%if Rdistrib("extinct")=True then%> (extinct)<%end if%><%if Rdistrib("n")=True then%> (n)<%end if%>
<% end if Rdistrib.close set Rdistrib=Nothing %>