' NamesDetail.asp - Februar 2006 - Andreas Müller
' This file shows information about one name.
' Parameters:
' NameId: Integer --> Id of the Name of the potential taxons
'Show back buttons
backToSearch = 1 'Shows the backToSearch-Button
backToResult = 1 'Shows the backToResult-Button
' ****************************** BEGIN 1 NAME *********************************************
' Construct the SQL statement depending on the paramenter passed.
SQLName = _
" SELECT NameFrom.NameId, NameFrom.NameCache AS NameCache, NameFrom.FullNameCache AS FullNameCache, NameFrom.Notes, " & _
" RelName.NameFk2, NameTo.NameCache AS NameTo, NameTo.FullNameCache AS FullNameTo, " & _
" NomStatus.NomStatus, " & _
" Rank.Rank, RefDetail.FullNomRefCache, RefDetail.Notes as RefNote, RefDetail.Details " & _
" FROM Name NameFrom INNER JOIN " & _
" Rank ON NameFrom.RankFk = Rank.RankId LEFT OUTER JOIN " & _
" RefDetail ON NameFrom.NomRefDetailFk = RefDetail.RefDetailId AND NameFrom.NomRefFk = RefDetail.RefFk LEFT OUTER JOIN " & _
" NomStatus INNER JOIN " & _
" NomStatusRel ON NomStatus.NomStatusId = NomStatusRel.NomStatusFk ON " & _
" NameFrom.NameId = NomStatusRel.NameFk LEFT OUTER JOIN " & _
" RelName INNER JOIN " & _
" Name NameTo ON RelName.NameFk2 = NameTo.NameId ON " & _
" NameFrom.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 " & _
" WHERE (NameFrom.NameId = " & Request("NameId")& ") " & _
" ORDER BY RelName.RelNameQualifierFk "
Set Rname = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
openRecordset Rname, SQLName
if (Rname.RecordCount > 0) then
Details for Name: |
<% '------------------------- printer friendly ------------------------
' Show the google images link only if is not a printer-frendly request
if Request("Print")<>1 then %>
<%end if%>
<%'------------------------- NAVIGATION MENU------------------------
'take the names of the different sources to create the navigation menu in the top
'0--> Name Part (Juncus Roemeriani)
'1--> Authors string (L.)
'2--> Complete Reference starting with ", " (, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol., 95: 117 (1990))
'3--> status part (,nom. illeg.)
'4--> non part (,non Buchenau(1545))
'5--> total, all in the same 0+1+2+3+4
'6--> 0+1
'7--> Name notes
Dim NameA(7)
'I have to add the status of the name (nomenclature status). It's possible to have more than one status, but maximum here is 2
If Rname("NomStatus")<>"" then
' changed for MCL
status_part= Replace(Rname("NomStatus"),"nom. rej. prop.","nom. rejic. prop.")
if (status_part = "") then
status_part = ""
end if
if Rname.Recordcount > 1 then
'There's more than one status
'changed for MCL
status_part=status_part & ", " & Replace(Rname("NomStatus"),"nom. rej. prop.","nom. rejic. prop.")
End if
End if
' by Andreas
if (NOT ISNULL(Rname("FullNameCache")) AND NOT ISNULL(Rname("NameCache"))) Then
end if
' by Andreas
if (NOT ISNUll(Rname("FullNomRefCache"))) Then
NameA(2)=Replace(Rname("FullNomRefCache"),"vol. ", "") & " " & Rname("RefNote")
NameA(2)= Rname("FullNomRefCache") & " " & Rname("RefNote")
end if
'by Andreas
if (Rname("Details") <> "") then
NameA(2)=Replace(NameA(2),", " & Rname("Details"), ": " & Rname("Details"))
end if
'by Andreas
'NameA(5)=Rname("FullNameCache") &", " & Rname("FullNomRefCache")
<% '--------------------- tabel color----------------------------------
'If we are in the IOPI project we change the colour of the table if the edition level for this Reference is set to 1
<% if len(NameA(2)) > 0 then %>
Nomencl. ref.: |
<%=NameA(2)%> |
<%end if %>
<% if len(NameA(3)) > 0 then %>
Nomencl. status(es): |
<%=RName("NomStatus")%> |
<%end if %>
'---------------- Rank -------------------------------------------------------------------
Rank: |
<%=RName("Rank")%> |
' ---------------------------- RELATED NAMES ------------------------------------------------------------
' ---------------------------- RELATED TO ------------------------------------------------------------
'Is this name related to another name ? (e.g. this is basionym of that)
SQL=" SELECT NameFrom.NameId, NameTo.NameId AS NameIdTo, NameTo.FullNameCache, RelName.RelNameQualifierFk relQualFk, RelNameQualifier.RelNameQualifier " & _
" FROM Name NameFrom INNER JOIN Name NameTo INNER JOIN RelName ON NameTo.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 ON NameFrom.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 " & _
" INNER JOIN RelNameQualifier On RelNameQualifier.RelNameQualifierId = RelName.RelNameQualifierFk " & _
" WHERE (((NameFrom.NameId)="& Request("NameId")& "))"
Set RRelTo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
openRecordset RRelTo, SQL
While (NOt RRelTo.EOF)
<%=RRelTo("RelNameQualifier")& ":"%> |
<%=RRelTo("FullNameCache")%> |
set RRelTo=Nothing
' ---------------------------- RELATED FROM ------------------------------------------------------------
'IS a name related to this name ?
SQL=" SELECT NameTo.NameId, NameFrom.NameId AS NameIdFrom, NameFrom.FullNameCache, RelName.RelNameQualifierFk relQualFk " & _
" FROM Name NameFrom INNER JOIN Name NameTo INNER JOIN RelName ON NameTo.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 ON NameFrom.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 " & _
" WHERE (((NameTo.NameId)="& Request("NameId")& "))"
Set RRelFrom = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
openRecordset RRelFrom, SQL
While (NOt RRelFrom.EOF)
<%=getNameRelation(RRelFrom("relQualFk"))& ":"%> |
<%=RRelFrom("FullNameCache")%> |
set RRelFrom=Nothing
' ---------------------------- ACCORDING TAXA ------------------------------------------------------------
SQL=" SELECT Name.NameId , Reference.RefCache, Reference.RefId, Reference.volume " & _
" FROM Name INNER JOIN PTaxon ON Name.NameId = PTaxon.PTNameFk INNER JOIN Reference ON PTaxon.PTRefFk = Reference.RefId " & _
" WHERE ( (Name.NameId)="& Request("NameId")& ")"
Set RTaxa = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
openRecordset RTaxa, SQL
taxa = 0
While (Not RTaxa.EOF)
<% if (taxa = 0 ) then
Response.write("According Taxa: | ")
Response.write(" | ")
end if %>
<% if (RTaxa("volume")<>0) then %>
<% else %>
<% end if%>
<%="sec. " & RTaxa("RefCache")%>
taxa = taxa + 1
set RTaxa=Nothing
'There are two type of notes here, the one from the potential taxon and the one from the name. Show them if there´s something inside
if NameA(7)<>"" then %>
Name Notes: |
<%=NameA(7)%> |
<%end if%>
'-----------END of NAME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Message indicating that there was no potential taxon using this name ----------------
No according names found!
end if