<% '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PTaxonDetail.asp - August 2003 - Javier de la Torre ' ' This file shows information about one or more potential taxons. It can recieve different parameters and with them ' it constructs the SQL statements that is needed to select all the PTaxon that match this criteria. ' When the PTaxon are selected then each one is represented inside a gray table. For each PTaxon there are many other ' connections to the database that had to be made to get all the needed information. ' ' Parameters: ' NameCache: String --> Cache field of the name table ' NameId: Integer --> Id of the Name of the potential taxons ' PTRefFk: integer --> Id of the reference of the potential taxons ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% 'Show back buttons backToSearch = 1 'Shows the backToSearch-Button backToResult = 1 'Shows the backToResult-Button %> <% Dim hierarchy() Dim facts() ' Construct the SQL statement depending on the paramenter passed. ' That selects all the potential taxon. %>
Details for Taxon: <%=NameTotal%>
<% Dim NameA(7) 'I first obtain the information that belongs to this potential taxon: nameID = Request("NameId") PTRefFk = Request("PTRefFk") 'error handling if nameID = "" then nameID = "0" if PTRefFk = "" then PTRefFk = "0" SQL= _ " SELECT PTaxon.PTNameFk, PTaxon.DoubtfulFlag, PTaxon.PTRefFk, PTaxon.IdInSource , Status.Status, PTaxon.StatusFk, Reference.NomTitleAbbrev, Reference.RefCache, PTaxon.Notes, Rank.Rank, Rank.RankId " & _ " FROM Rank RIGHT JOIN ((Reference RIGHT JOIN (Name RIGHT JOIN (PTaxon LEFT JOIN Status ON PTaxon.StatusFk = Status.StatusId) ON Name.NameId = PTaxon.PTNameFk) ON Reference.RefId = PTaxon.PTRefFk) ) ON Rank.RankId = Name.RankFk " & _ " WHERE ( ((PTaxon.PTNameFK)= " & nameID & ") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=" & PTRefFk & ") )" Set Rptaxon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset RPtaxon, SQL If (Not RPtaxon.EOF) then '... then select all the information posible from this name SQL = " SELECT RefDetail.Notes as RefNote, RefDetail.Details, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.NameId, Name.Genus, Name.SpeciesEpi, Name.InfraSpeciesEpi, Name.GenusSubdivisionEpi, Reference.NomTitleAbbrev, Reference.Volume, RefDetail.Details, Reference.InRefFk, Reference.RefYear, RefDetail.FullNomRefCache, Name.AuthorTeamFk, Name.ExAuthorTeamFk, Name.BasAuthorTeamFk, Name.ExBasAuthorTeamFk, Rank.RankAbbrev, NomStatus.NomStatus, Name.Notes, Name.UnnamedNamePhrase, Name.RankFk " & _ " FROM NomStatus RIGHT JOIN ((((Name LEFT JOIN Reference ON Name.NomRefFk = Reference.RefId) LEFT JOIN RefDetail ON Name.NomRefDetailFk = RefDetail.RefDetailId) INNER JOIN Rank ON Name.RankFk = Rank.RankId) LEFT JOIN NomStatusRel ON Name.NameId = NomStatusRel.NameFk) ON NomStatus.NomStatusId = NomStatusRel.NomStatusFk " & _ " WHERE (((Name.NameId) = " & Rptaxon("PTNameFk") &" ))" Set Rname = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rname, SQL '------------------------- printer friendly ------------------------ ' Show the google images link only if is not a printer-frendly request if Request("Print")<>1 then %>
" target="_blank">Link to species in Tropicos | &num=20&btnG=Google%2BSearch&as_epq=&hl=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&as_filetype=&imgc=&as_sitesearch=&imgsafe=active" target="_blank">Google Images

<%end if '------------------------------------------------------------------ '0--> Name Part (Juncus Roemeriani) '1--> Authors string (L.) '2--> Complete Reference starting with ", " (, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol., 95: 117 (1990)) '3--> status part (,nom. illeg.) '4--> non part (,non Buchenau(1545)) '5--> total, all in the same 0+1+2+3+4 '6--> 0+1 '7--> Name notes if Rname("notes")="ll" then 'if there's something in the notes field i will use this as the complete name. This solution is valid for the IOPI project NameA(0)=Rname("FullNameCache") NameA(1)="Not parsed, see the notes" NameA(2)="Not parsed, see the notes" NameA(3)="Not parsed, see the notes" NameA(4)="Not parsed, see the name" NameA(5)=Rname("FullNameCache") NameA(6)=Rname("FullNameCache") NameA(7)=Rname("Notes") else 'I have to add the status of the name (nomenclature status). It's possible to have more than one status, but maximum here is 2 If Rname("NomStatus")<>"" then ' changed for MCL status_part= Replace(Rname("NomStatus"),"nom. rej. prop.","nom. rejic. prop.") if (status_part = "") then status_part = "" end if if Rname.Recordcount > 1 then 'There's more than one status Rname.movenext 'changed for MCL status_part=status_part & ", " & Replace(Rname("NomStatus"),"nom. rej. prop.","nom. rejic. prop.") End if End if NameA(0)=Rname("NameCache") ' by Andreas if (NOT ISNULL(Rname("FullNameCache")) AND NOT ISNULL(Rname("NameCache"))) Then NameA(1)=Replace(Rname("FullNameCache"),Rname("NameCache"),"") else NameA(1)=Rname("FullNameCache") end if ' by Andreas if (NOT ISNUll(Rname("FullNomRefCache"))) Then NameA(2)=Replace(Rname("FullNomRefCache"),"vol. ", "") & " " & Rname("RefNote") else NameA(2)= Rname("FullNomRefCache") & " " & Rname("RefNote") end if 'by Andreas if (Rname("Details") <> "") then NameA(2)=Replace(NameA(2),", " & Rname("Details"), ": " & Rname("Details")) end if NameA(3)=status_part NameA(4)=non_part 'by Andreas 'NameA(5)=Rname("FullNameCache") &", " & Rname("FullNomRefCache") NameA(6)=Rname("FullNameCache") NameA(7)=Rname("Notes") end if Rname.close set Rname=Nothing %> <% '--------------------- tabel color---------------------------------- if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then table_color=color_acc else table_color=color_syn end if %>
<% if (len (Rptaxon("IdInSource")) > 0) then %> <%end if%> <% if len(NameA(2)) > 0 then %> <%end if %> <% if len(NameA(3)) > 0 then %> <%end if %> <% '---------------- Rank ------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% ' ---------------------------- NAME RELATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <% ' ---------------------------- RELATED TO ------------------------------------------------------------ 'Is this name related to another name ? (e.g. this is basionym of that) SQL=" SELECT NameFrom.NameId, NameTo.NameId AS NameIdTo, NameTo.FullNameCache, RelName.RelNameQualifierFk relQualFk, RelNameQualifier.RelNameQualifier " & _ " FROM Name NameFrom INNER JOIN Name NameTo INNER JOIN RelName ON NameTo.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 ON NameFrom.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 " & _ " INNER JOIN RelNameQualifier On RelNameQualifier.RelNameQualifierId = RelName.RelNameQualifierFk " & _ " WHERE (NameFrom.NameId="& Request("NameId")& ")" 'MCL specific 'no basionyms and no syn. subst. SQL=SQL & " AND RelName.RelNameQualifierFk <> 1 AND RelName.RelNameQualifierFk <> 3 " Set RRelTo = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset RRelTo, SQL While (NOt RRelTo.EOF) %> <% RRelTo.moveNext WEnd RRelTo.close set RRelTo=Nothing ' ---------------------------- RELATED FROM ------------------------------------------------------------ 'IS a name related to this name ? SQL=" SELECT NameTo.NameId, NameFrom.NameId AS NameIdFrom, NameFrom.FullNameCache, RelName.RelNameQualifierFk relQualFk " & _ " FROM Name NameFrom INNER JOIN Name NameTo INNER JOIN RelName ON NameTo.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 ON NameFrom.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 " & _ " WHERE (NameTo.NameId="& Request("NameId")& ")" 'MCL specific 'no basionyms and no syn. subst. SQL=SQL & " AND RelName.RelNameQualifierFk <> 1 AND RelName.RelNameQualifierFk <> 3 " Set RRelFrom = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset RRelFrom, SQL While (NOt RRelFrom.EOF) %> <% RRelFrom.moveNext WEnd RRelFrom.close set RRelFrom=Nothing ' ------------------ STATUS OF TAXON ---------------------------------------------------- %> <% '--------------HIERARCHY---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' See where this taxon is included. 'only check hierarchy if the PTaxon is accepted, if not it is not supposed to be linked to anything (integrity rule) if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then 'First we will store in an array all the hierarchy in inverse order, then they will be shown. This array will ' be three dimensional, the first dimension will store the nameid, the second the refid and the tirth ' the namecache field. The very first is an index. nameid=Rptaxon("PTNameFk") refid=Rptaxon("PTRefFk") ReDim hierarchy(3,0) control=1 cont=0 While control=1 SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Reference.RefCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, Rank.Rank"&_ " FROM (PTaxon AS PTaxon_1 INNER JOIN Name ON PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = Name.NameId) INNER JOIN (PTaxon INNER JOIN RelPTaxon ON (PTaxon.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk1) AND (PTaxon.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk1)) ON (PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk2) AND (PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk2) INNER JOIN Reference ON PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = Reference.RefId INNER JOIN Rank ON Name.RankFk = Rank.RankId"&_ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)="&nameid&") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)="&refid&") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk)=1)) ORDER BY Name.NameCache" Set Rherar = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rherar, SQL if Rherar.Recordcount > 0 then nameid=Rherar("PTNameFk") refid=Rherar("PTRefFk") Redim Preserve hierarchy(3,cont) hierarchy(0,cont)=nameid hierarchy(1,cont)=refid 'Show the reference as "sec." when the reference is different from the one using the potential taxon if Rherar("PTRefFk")<> refid then hierarchy(2,cont)=""&Rherar("FullNameCache") & " sec. " & Rherar("RefCache") else hierarchy(2,cont)=""&Rherar("FullNameCache") & "" end if hierarchy(3,cont)=Rherar("Rank") cont=cont+1 else nameid="" refid="" control=0 end if Rherar.close set Rherar=Nothing Wend If hierarchy(0,0)<>"" then %> <% end if Redim hierarchy(0) hierarchy(0)="" end if %> <%'-------------------- ACCEPTED NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ' If the taxon is a synonymum find the accepted name. if Rptaxon("StatusFk") = 2 then SQL= "SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes" & _ " FROM (PTaxon AS PTaxon_1 INNER JOIN Name ON PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = Name.NameId) INNER JOIN (PTaxon INNER JOIN RelPTaxon ON (PTaxon.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk1) AND (PTaxon.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk1)) ON (PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk2) AND (PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk2)" & _ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)="&Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)="&Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk) in (2, 4, 5, 6, 7))) ORDER BY Name.NameCache" Set Racc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Racc, SQL if Racc.Recordcount>0 then contador=0 While NOT Racc.EOF contador=contador+1 %> <% Racc.Movenext Wend Racc.Close set Racc=Nothing end if end if %> <%'----------------- SYNONYMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Look for synonyms only if the potential taxon is accepted. SYNONYMS if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then SQL= _ " SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk_s, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, Name.UnnamedNamePhrase, PTaxon.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk, RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifier "&_ " FROM (PTaxon AS PTaxon_1 INNER JOIN (PTaxon INNER JOIN RelPTaxon ON (PTaxon.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk2) AND (PTaxon.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk2)) ON (PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk1) AND (PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk1)) INNER JOIN Name ON PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = Name.NameId INNER JOIN RelPTQualifier ON RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk = RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifierId " & _ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)="&Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)="&Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk) in (2,4,5,6,7))) ORDER BY RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifier DESC,Name.RankFk, Name.NameCache" Set Rsyn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rsyn, SQL if Rsyn.Recordcount>0 then contador=0 syn_rel="" While NOT Rsyn.EOF contador=contador+1 %> <% syn_rel=Rsyn("RelPTQualifier") Rsyn.Movenext Wend Rsyn.Close set Rsyn=Nothing end if end if %> <%'------------------------MISAPPLIED NAMES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Look for misapplied names only if the potential taxon is accepted if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then SQL= _ " SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk_s, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, PTaxon.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk, RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifier as RelQualifier, RelPTaxon.Notes as RelNotes, Reference.RefCache"&_ " FROM (PTaxon AS PTaxon_1 INNER JOIN (PTaxon INNER JOIN RelPTaxon ON (PTaxon.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk2) AND (PTaxon.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk2)) ON (PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk1) AND (PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk1)) INNER JOIN Name ON PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = Name.NameId INNER JOIN RelPTQualifier ON RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk = RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifierId INNER JOIN Reference ON PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = Reference.RefId"&_ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)="&Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)="&Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk)=3)) ORDER BY Name.NameCache" Set Rmiss = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rmiss, SQL if Rmiss.Recordcount > 0 then contador=0 While NOT Rmiss.EOF contador=contador + 1 %> <% Rmiss.Movenext Wend Rmiss.Close set Rmiss=Nothing end if end if %> <%'-----------------INCLUDED TAXA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Look for included taxa only if the potential taxon is accepted. INCLUDED TAXA, hierarchy DOWN if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.FullNameCache, Reference.RefCache, Reference.RefId AS RefId "&_ " FROM Reference INNER JOIN ((PTaxon AS PTaxon_1 INNER JOIN (PTaxon INNER JOIN RelPTaxon ON (PTaxon.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk2) AND (PTaxon.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk2)) ON (PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = RelPTaxon.PTNameFk1) AND (PTaxon_1.PTRefFk = RelPTaxon.PTRefFk1)) INNER JOIN Name ON PTaxon_1.PTNameFk = Name.NameId) ON Reference.RefId = PTaxon_1.PTRefFk "&_ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)="&Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)="&Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk)=1)) "&_ " ORDER BY Name.FullNameCache" Set Rinclu = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rinclu, SQL if Rinclu.Recordcount>0 then contador=0 %><% While NOT Rinclu.EOF contador=contador+1 %> <% Rinclu.Movenext Wend Rinclu.Close set Rinclu=Nothing end if end if %> <%'---------------------------NOTES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'There are two type of notes here, the one from the potential taxon and the one from the name. Show them if there´s something inside if NameA(7)<>"" then %> <%end if%> <% if Rptaxon("Notes")<>"" then %> <%end if%> <% '-------------- OCCURENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'TODO Anfragen Rfacts20 + Rfacts21 können noch zusammengefasst werden, wenn alles so bleibt ' Show the Type information SQL= _ " SELECT Fact.Fact, FactCategory.FactCategory, FactCategory.FactCategoryId " & _ " FROM (PTaxon INNER JOIN Fact ON (PTaxon.PTRefFk = Fact.PTRefFk) AND (PTaxon.PTNameFk = Fact.PTNameFk)) INNER JOIN FactCategory ON Fact.FactCategoryFk = FactCategory.FactCategoryId " & _ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)=" & Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") " & _ " AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=" & Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&")) " & _ " AND (FactCategory.FactCategoryId = 20) " SET Rfacts20 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rfacts20, SQL SQL= _ " SELECT Fact.Fact, FactCategory.FactCategory, FactCategory.FactCategoryId, Reference.IdInSource as ref " & _ " FROM (PTaxon INNER JOIN Fact ON (PTaxon.PTRefFk = Fact.PTRefFk) AND (PTaxon.PTNameFk = Fact.PTNameFk)) " & _ " INNER JOIN FactCategory ON Fact.FactCategoryFk = FactCategory.FactCategoryId " & _ " LEFT OUTER JOIN Reference ON Fact.FactRefFK = Reference.RefId " & _ " WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)=" & Rptaxon("PTNameFk")&") " & _ " AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=" & Rptaxon("PTRefFk")&")) " & _ " AND (FactCategory.FactCategoryId = 21) " & _ " ORDER BY Fact.Fact" SET Rfacts21 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset Rfacts21, SQL IF Rfacts20.RecordCount > 0 THEN '----- Category 20-------------------------- While ( NOT Rfacts20.EOF ) %> <% Rfacts20.MoveNext WEnd END IF Rfacts20.close SET Rfacts20=Nothing IF (Rfacts21.RecordCount > 0) THEN %> <% ELSE ' no MCL-facts %> <% END IF Rfacts21.close SET Rfacts21=Nothing '-----------END of TAXON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %>


MCL No.: <%=Rptaxon("IdInSource")%>

Name: <%=NameA(6)%>
Nomencl. ref.: <%=NameA(2)%>
Nomencl. status(es): <% = NameA(3)%>
Rank: <%=Rptaxon("Rank")%>
<%=RRelTo("RelNameQualifier")& ":"%> "> <%=RRelTo("FullNameCache")%>
<%=getNameRelation(RRelFrom("relQualFk")) & ":"%> "> <%=RRelFrom("FullNameCache")%>
Status: <%if Rptaxon("StatusFk")=1 then%> <%else%> <%end if%> <% ' If the DoubtfulFlag is set to d then show a PRELIMARY text in fron of the status if Rptaxon("DoubtfulFlag")="d" then%>PRELIMINARY<% end if %> <%=ucase(Rptaxon("Status"))%>
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): <% col=0 for i=ubound(hierarchy,2) to 0 step -1 %> <%=hierarchy(3,i)%> - <%=hierarchy(2,i)%>
<%for c=0 to col%>    <%next%> <% col=col+1 next %>
<%if contador=1 then%> Synonym of: <%end if%> &PTRefFk=<%=Racc("PTRefFk")%>"><%=Racc("FullNameCache")%>
<%if contador=1 or syn_rel<>Rsyn("RelPTQualifier") then%> <%=ucase(left(Trim(Replace(Replace(Rsyn("RelPTQualifier"),"is",""),"of","")),1))&right(Trim(Replace(Replace(Rsyn("RelPTQualifier"),"is",""),"of","")),len(Trim(Replace(Replace(Rsyn("RelPTQualifier"),"is",""),"of","")))-1)&"(s):"%> <%end if%> &PTRefFk=<%=Rsyn("PTRefFk_s")%>"><%=Rsyn("FullNameCache")%>
<%if contador=1 then%> Misapplied Name(s): <%end if%> &PTRefFk=<%=Rmiss("PTRefFk_s")%>"> <%=Rmiss("FullNameCache")%> sec. <%=Left(Rmiss("RefCache") & Rmiss("RelNotes"), 50) & "..." %>
<%if contador=1 then%> Included taxa: <%end if%> &PTRefFk=<%=Rinclu("PTRefFk")%>"><%=Rinclu("FullNameCache")%> <%if Rinclu("PTRefFk")<>Rptaxon("PTRefFk") then%> sec. <%=Rinclu("RefCache")%><%end if%>
Name Notes: <%=NameA(7)%>
Taxon Notes: <%=Rptaxon("Notes")%>
Occurrence status: <% IF (Rfacts20("Fact") = "E") THEN Response.Write("Endemic") ELSEIF (Rfacts20("Fact") = "X") THEN Response.Write("Xenophyte") ELSE Response.Write("ERROR: unknown") END IF %>

Geographical occurrence: <% While ( NOT Rfacts21.EOF ) %>
<% Response.Write(getCountryName(Left(Rfacts21("Fact"), 2))) %> <% writeOccuranceType(Right (Rfacts21("Fact"),1)) %> <% ref = Rfacts21("ref") if (ref = null or isNull(ref)) then ' nothing elseif(left(ref, 5) = "Basic") then floraNr= right(ref, len(ref)-6) Response.Write(" " ) Response.Write ("(" & floraNr & ")") Response.Write ("") else floraNr= right(ref, len(ref)-9) volumeNr= mid(ref, 6, 1) Response.Write(" ") Response.Write ("(" & floraNr & ")") Response.Write ("") end if %>
<% Rfacts21.MoveNext WEnd %>
<% else ' no taxon found matching the requested data Response.Write("
No matching data found!
") End if Rptaxon.close set Rptaxon = Nothing %>