<% 'Show back buttons if Request("floraNr") <> "" then backToSearch = 1 'Shows the backToSearch-Button backToResult = 1 'Shows the backToResult-Button end if %> <% vol = 1 if (Request("volume") <>"") then vol = Request("volume") end if if (Request("floraNr") <>"") then floraNr = Request("floraNr") end if SQL = " SELECT { fn SUBSTRING(IdInSource, 6, 4) } AS Id, RefCache, notes " & _ " FROM Reference " & _ " WHERE (IdInSource LIKE N'Basic %') " & _ " ORDER BY { fn LENGTH(IdInSource) }, { fn SUBSTRING(IdInSource, 7, 1) }, { fn SUBSTRING(IdInSource, 9, 4) } " 'This recordset returns all the References Set RReferences = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") openRecordset RReferences, SQL %>
Basic Floras
  Basic Floras used for Med-Checklist  
  <% While NOT RReferences.EOF %> <% id = RReferences("Id") title = Replace(RReferences("RefCache"), "(... -> notes)", "") & RReferences("notes") ' one flora selected if (CInt(id) = CInt(floraNr)) then %> <% else %> <%end if%> <% RReferences.Movenext Wend 'record end %>


