% ' Include file with specific project code to add at the end of the potential taxon view ' Parameters: Rptaxon("PTNameFk") --> integer with the NameId of the Potential Taxon. ' Rptaxon("PTRefFk") --> second part of the potential taxon primary key with the reference id ' Rptaxon("StatusFk") --> the status of the PTaxon, 1 accepted, 2 synonym, 3 unresolved ' ' Example of a connection to the database: '---------------------------------------------------------------- ' SQL="SELECT * FROM Name WHERE...." ' Set Rconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Rconn.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING ' Rconn.Source = SQL ' Rconn.CursorType = 3 ' Rconn.CursorLocation = 2 ' Rconn.LockType = 1 ' Rconn.Open() ' if Rconn.RecordCount > 0 then ' Response.write("