<% 'First check if the database has the Selectable attribute in the references to only select those references. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL="SELECT sysobjects.name AS Exp1 FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id WHERE (sysobjects.name LIKE 'Reference') AND (syscolumns.name LIKE N'Selectable')" Set RVisibleCol = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RVisibleCol.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING RVisibleCol.Source = SQL RVisibleCol.CursorType = 3 RVisibleCol.CursorLocation = 2 RVisibleCol.LockType = 1 RVisibleCol.Open() if RVisibleCol.RecordCount > 0 then SelectableColExist= True else SelectableColExist= False end if RVisibleCol.close set RVisibleCol=Nothing 'I create a different SQL depending if the Visible column exist or not in the database if SelectableColExist= True then SQL="SELECT RefCache, RefId FROM Reference WHERE (Selectable = 1)" Else SQL="SELECT DISTINCT Reference.RefCache, dbo.Reference.RefId FROM Reference INNER JOIN PTaxon ON dbo.Reference.RefId = PTaxon.PTRefFk" End if '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Select all the available sources to present into the Reference box Set Rsources = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Rsources.ActiveConnection = MM_jun_STRING Rsources.Source = SQL Rsources.CursorType = 3 Rsources.CursorLocation = 2 Rsources.LockType = 1 Rsources.Open() %>

Fill in the empty field in order to query the database for a specific name. Use the asterisk (*) as a wild card (e.g. Abi* will find all names starting with Abi, Abies alba * will find the names of subspecies etc. of Abies alba, *aaa* will find all names containing triple a, and Ab*ba will find Abies alba etc.). The input must contain at least three letters. The search is only on the name itself, so please do not include authorship or year of publication.

Search for a botanical name like "Luzula*":

Select Source:


N.B.: Do not include taxonomic authors.


<% Rsources.close set Rsources=Nothing %>