Source: |
echo $Rptaxon["Refcache"];?> echo $ReferenceSuffixForIOPI;?>
Name: |
echo $NameA[6];?> |
if (strlen($NameA[2])>0)
Nomencl. ref. |
echo $NameA[2];?> |
} ?>
if (strlen($NameA[3])>0)
Nomencl. status(es) |
echo $NameA[3];?> |
// Search if the name has HOMONYMS and print them
$SQL="SELECT NameFk1 FROM RelName WHERE NameFk2=".$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"]." AND RelNameQualifierFk=2";
// $Rhom is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rhom_query)>0)
//If it has homonyms show them, take the details.
$SQL="SELECT Name.NameId, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Reference.RefYear FROM Name LEFT JOIN Reference ON Name.NomRefFk = Reference.RefId WHERE (Name.NameId = ".$Rhom["NameFk1"].")";
// $Rhom_details is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if ($Rhom_details["RefYear"]!="")
$non_part=$non_part." (".$Rhom_details["RefYear"].")";
Homonyms |
echo $non_part;?> |
Rank: |
echo $Rptaxon["Rank"];?> |
// status of the taxon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>
Status: |
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
if ($Rptaxon["DoubtfulFlag"]="d")
} ?>
echo strtoupper($Rptaxon["Status"]);?> |
//Look to see if it's a basyonym of something and print it. BASYONYM OF
$SQL="SELECT dbo.Name.NameId, Name_1.NameId AS NameIdBas, Name_1.FullNameCache FROM dbo.Name Name_1 INNER JOIN Name INNER JOIN RelName ON Name.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 ON Name_1.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 WHERE (((Name.NameId)=".$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"].") AND ((RelName.RelNameQualifierFk)=1))";
// $Rbas is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rbas_query)>0)
Is basionym for: |
"> echo $Rbas["FullNameCache"];?> |
// See where this taxon it's included. HERARCHY
//only check herarchy if the PTaxon is accepted, if not is not supossed to be linked to anything (integrity rule)
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
//First we will store in an array all the herarchy in inverse order, then they will be shown. This array will
// be three dimensional, the first dimension will store the nameid, the second the refid and the tirth
// the namecache field. The very first is an index.
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Reference.RefCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, Rank.Rank".
$nameid.") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=".$refid.") AND ((RelPTaxon.RelQualifierFk)=1)) ORDER BY Name.NameCache";
// $Rherar is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rherar_query)>0)
//Show the reference as "sec." when the reference is different from the one using the potential taxon
if ($Rherar["PTRefFk"]!=$refid)
$herarchy[2][$cont]="".$Rherar["FullNameCache"]." sec. ".$Rherar["RefCache"];
if ($herarchy[0][0]!="")
Taxonomy (this taxon is included in): |
for ($i=count($herarchy); $i>=0; $i=$i-1)
echo $herarchy[3][$i];?> - echo $herarchy[2][$i];?> for ($c=0; $c<=$col; $c=$c+1)
//Look for incluided taxa only if the potential taxon is accepted. INCLUDED TAXA, HERARCHY DOWN
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.FullNameCache, Reference.RefCache, Reference.RefId AS RefId ".
$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"] $Rptaxon["PTRefFk"]
// $Rinclu is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rinclu_query)>0)
if ($contador==1)
?> Included taxa:
} ?> |
&PTRefFk= echo $Rinclu["PTRefFk"];?>"> echo $Rinclu["FullNameCache"];?> if ($Rinclu["PTRefFk"]!=$Rptaxon["PTRefFk"])
?> sec. echo $Rinclu["RefCache"];?> } ?> |
// If the taxon is a synonymum find the accepted name. ACCEPTED NAME
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=2)
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes".
$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"] $Rptaxon["PTRefFk"]
// $Racc is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Racc_query)>0)
if ($contador==1)
Synonym of:
} ?> |
&PTRefFk= echo $Racc["PTRefFk"];?>"> echo $Racc["FullNameCache"];?> |
//Look to see if it has a basyonym of something. BASYONYM
$SQL="SELECT dbo.Name.NameId, Name_1.NameId AS NameIdBas, Name_1.FullNameCache FROM Name Name_1 INNER JOIN Name INNER JOIN RelName ON Name.NameId = RelName.NameFk2 ON Name_1.NameId = RelName.NameFk1 WHERE (((Name.NameId)=".$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"].") AND ((RelName.RelNameQualifierFk)=1))";
// $Rbas is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rbas_query)>0)
Basionym: |
&PTRefFk= echo $_REQUEST['PTRefFk'];?>"> echo $Rbas["FullNameCache"];?> |
//Look for synonyms only if the potential taxon is accepted. SYNONYMS
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk_s, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, PTaxon.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk, RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifier".
$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"] $Rptaxon["PTRefFk"]
// $Rsyn is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rsyn_query)>0)
if ($contador==1 || $syn_rel!=$Rsyn["RelPTQualifier"])
echo strtoupper(substr(trim(str_replace("of","",str_replace("is","",$Rsyn["RelPTQualifier"]))),0,1)).substr(trim(str_replace("of","",str_replace("is","",$Rsyn["RelPTQualifier"]))),strlen(trim(str_replace("of","",str_replace("is","",$Rsyn["RelPTQualifier"]))))-(strlen(trim(str_replace("of","",str_replace("is","",$Rsyn["RelPTQualifier"]))))-1))."(s):";?>
} ?>
&PTRefFk= echo $Rsyn["PTRefFk_s"];?>"> echo $Rsyn["FullNameCache"];?> |
//Look for concept synonyms only if the potential taxon is accepted CONCEPT SYNONYMS
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
$SQL="SELECT RelQualifierFk, NameId, Reference.RefId, NameCache, FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, RelPTQualifier AS RelQualifier, RelPTaxon.Notes AS RelNotes, Reference.RefCache, RelRefFk, is_congruent, is_included_in, includes, overlaps, excludes, doubtful, Reference_1.RefCache AS RelRefCache, RankFk ".
$Rptaxon["PTRefFk"] $Rptaxon["PTNameFk"]
$Rptaxon["PTRefFk"] $Rptaxon["PTNameFk"]
// $Rcsyn is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rcsyn_query)>0)
Concept Synonym(s):
if ($Rcsyn["RelRefCache"]!=$ult_ref)
According to: echo $Rcsyn["RelRefCache"];?> |
} ?>
//Construct a string concatenating the images that are needed to represent the concept relation
if ($Rcsyn["is_congruent"]!=0)
$concept_images=" ";
if ($Rcsyn["is_included_in"]!=0)
if ($concept_images!="")
$concept_images=$concept_images.", ";
$concept_images=" ";
if ($Rcsyn["includes"]!=0)
if ($concept_images!="")
$concept_images=$concept_images.", ";
$concept_images=" ";
if ($Rcsyn["overlaps"]!=0)
if ($concept_images!="")
$concept_images=$concept_images.", ";
$concept_images=" ";
if ($Rcsyn["excludes"]!=0)
if ($concept_images!="")
$concept_images=$concept_images.", ";
$concept_images=" ";
if ($Rcsyn["doubtful"]!=0)
echo $concept_images;?> &PTRefFk= echo $Rcsyn["RefId"];?>"> echo $Rcsyn["FullNameCache"];?> sec. echo $Rcsyn["RefCache"];?> echo $Rcsyn["RelNotes"];?> |
if (!($Rcsyn==0))
//Look for missaplied names only if the potential taxon is accepted MISSAPLIED NAMES
if ($Rptaxon["StatusFk"]=1)
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon_1.PTNameFk, PTaxon_1.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk_s, Name.NameCache, Name.FullNameCache, Name.Notes AS NameNotes, PTaxon.PTRefFk AS PTRefFk, RelPTQualifier.RelPTQualifier as RelQualifier, RelPTaxon.Notes as RelNotes, Reference.RefCache".
$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"] $Rptaxon["PTRefFk"]
// $Rmiss is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rmiss_query)>0)
if ($contador==1)
Missaplied Name(s):
} ?>
&PTRefFk= echo $Rmiss["PTRefFk_s"];?>"> echo $Rmiss["FullNameCache"];?> sec. echo $Rmiss["RefCache"];?> [ echo $Rmiss["RelQualifier"];?>] echo $Rmiss["RelNotes"];?> |
//There are two type of notes here, the one from the potential taxon and the one from the name. Show them if theres something inside
if ($NameA[7]!="")
Name Notes: |
echo $NameA[7];?> |
} if ($Rptaxon["Notes"]!="")
Taxon Notes: |
echo $Rptaxon["Notes"];?> |
} ?>
//Select all the facts and present them FACTS
//We need to see if the column "Visible" is in the FactCategory Table to use it or not.//if it is no present then all factcategories will be shown. $SQL="SELECT AS Exp1 FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN syscolumns ON = WHERE ( LIKE 'FactCategory') AND ( LIKE N'Visible')";
// $RVisibleCol is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($RVisibleCol_query)>0)
//I create a different SQL depending if the Visible column exist or not in the database if ($VisibleColExist==true)
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon.PTNameFk, PTaxon.PTRefFk, FactCategory.FactCategory, FactCategory.FactCategoryId , FactCategory.Visible, Fact.Fact, FactCategory.MaxFactNumber FROM (PTaxon INNER JOIN Fact ON (PTaxon.PTRefFk = Fact.PTRefFk) AND (PTaxon.PTNameFk = Fact.PTNameFk)) INNER JOIN FactCategory ON Fact.FactCategoryFk = FactCategory.FactCategoryId WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)=".$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"].") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=".$Rptaxon["PTRefFk"].")) ORDER BY FactCategory.FactCategory";
$SQL="SELECT PTaxon.PTNameFk, PTaxon.PTRefFk, FactCategory.FactCategory, FactCategory.FactCategoryId , Fact.Fact, FactCategory.MaxFactNumber FROM (PTaxon INNER JOIN Fact ON (PTaxon.PTRefFk = Fact.PTRefFk) AND (PTaxon.PTNameFk = Fact.PTNameFk)) INNER JOIN FactCategory ON Fact.FactCategoryFk = FactCategory.FactCategoryId WHERE (((PTaxon.PTNameFk)=".$Rptaxon["PTNameFk"].") AND ((PTaxon.PTRefFk)=".$Rptaxon["PTRefFk"].")) ORDER BY FactCategory.FactCategory";
// $Rfacts is of type "ADODB.Recordset"
echo $MM_jun_STRING;
echo $SQL;
echo 3;
echo 2;
echo 1;
if (mssql_num_rows($Rfacts_query)>0)
//To concatenate the facts by category first all of them are included in an array
//I will use a different code depending if the Visible column exist or not, using the VisibleColExist= True
if ($VisibleColExist==true)
if ($control>0)
//Only add the fact to the array if it can be output (MaxFactNumber<>0) if ($Rfacts["Visible"]=true)
if ($facts[0][$control-1]==$Rfacts["FactCategory"])
$facts[1][$control-1]=$facts[1][$control-1].", ".$Rfacts["Fact"];
if ($Rfacts["Visible"]=true)
} if ()
if ($control>0)
if ($facts[0][$control-1]==$Rfacts["FactCategory"])
$facts[1][$control-1]=$facts[1][$control-1].", ".$Rfacts["Fact"];
Facts: |
for ($i=0; $i<=count($facts); $i=$i+1)
echo $facts[0][$i];?>: |
echo $facts[1][$i];?> |
php include 'ProjectSpecific.php' ?>