// First take care that the entry is correct or return the errors!
//In case someone is using the old NameCache parameter
if (strlen($_REQUEST['NameCache'])>0)
else if (strlen($_REQUEST['taxon'])>0)
} else {
// Allow multiples items to be search
parse_str( $arg, $_REQUEST_NAME_ARRAY );
foreach ($_REQUEST_NAME_ARRAY[$paraname] as $name){
//Add * to the end if not existing
if (substr($name,strlen($name)-(1))!="*"){
//replace characters
$name=str_replace("+"," ",$name);
$sql_or=$sql_or."(Name.NameCache LIKE '".$name."') OR ";
//Error handling
if ((strpos($name,"%") ? strpos($name,"%")+1 : 0)>0 && strlen($name)<4)
if ((strpos($name,"%%") ? strpos($name,"%%")+1 : 0)>0)
if (substr($name,0,1)=="%" && substr($name,3,1)=="%")
if (strlen($name)<3)
if (strlen($sql_or)<4){
} else {
//Delete the latest OR in the sql_or
//-------- Here start the error handling ---------------
if ($errorcode==1)
Input error 1. Please enter at least three letters with a wildcard
} else if ($errorcode==2)
Input error 2. Please do not enter successive wildcards
} else if ($errorcode==3)
Input error 3. Please enter at least three letters between wildcards
} else if ($errorcode==4)
Input error 4. Please enter at least three letters
} else if ($strName=="What did you do in Berlin?"){
// This sentence is just for testing
print "
Erasmus in Berlin 2002/2003. Viel Spass!!";
} else {
//There was no problems in the input --------
//The SQL statement changes depending a Reference is selected or not.
if ($_REQUEST['RefId']!=""){
// if a reference is selected take his name from the database
$SQL="SELECT Refcache FROM reference WHERE RefId=".$_REQUEST['RefId'];
echo " ".$SQL;
$rs=mssql_query($SQL, $dbcon);
// the real query
$SQL=$SQL."SELECT DISTINCT Name.NameCache AS Name FROM Name INNER JOIN PTaxon ON Name.NameId = PTaxon.PTNameFk WHERE (".$sql_or.") AND PTRefFk=".$_REQUEST['RefId']." ORDER BY Name.NameCache";
$SQL=$SQL."SELECT DISTINCT Name.NameCache AS Name FROM Name INNER JOIN PTaxon ON Name.NameId = PTaxon.PTNameFk WHERE ".$sql_or." ORDER BY Name.NameCache";
echo " ".$SQL;
$rs=mssql_query($SQL, $dbcon);
echo mssql_num_rows($rs);?> names found. Click on name for details.
if ($_REQUEST['RefId']!="")
Search restricted to: echo $name_ref;?>
} ?>
//end of the error in the input handled
} ?>