<?php namespace common\controllers; use Yii; use common\models\LoginForm; use common\models\PasswordResetRequestForm; use common\models\ResetPasswordForm; use backend\models\SignupForm; use common\models\ContactForm; use yii\base\InvalidParamException; use yii\web\BadRequestHttpException; use yii\web\Controller; use yii\filters\VerbFilter; use yii\filters\AccessControl; use yii\data\Pagination; use yii\helpers\Url; use ggbn\SingleRecordManager; use ggbn\FormSelectionQueryManager; use ggbn\SOLRQueryManager; use yii\helpers\Html; use common\models\CartForm; use common\controllers\CommonDBInterface as DBInterface; class CommonSearchController extends Controller { // -------------------------------------------------------- // these are the attributes that will be used for calculation // and also these ones that are mandatory shown // do not change this unless you also adapt the whole programm // needed for single record output private $requestedAttributes = array ( 'unitID', 'sampletype', 'tripleidstoreid', 'collectioncode', 'collectioncode2', 'institutioncode', 'institutioncode2' ); // for pagination output private $key_link = 'fullScientificName'; private $recordFilters = array ( 'unitID', 'collectioncode', 'institutioncode' ); private $submitURL; private $submitWebsearch; // we store all list for the drop down fields here private $_selectionlists; private $dropDownAttributes; private $knownLParams = [ 'country', 'geneticlocus', 'continent', 'sea', 'ocean', 'sampletype' ]; private $knownParams = [ 'fullScientificName', 'familyName', 'kingdom', 'sequenceaccessionIdentifier', 'unitID', 'locality', 'collectors', 'collectornumber', 'institution', 'voucherCol', 'collectionYearFrom', 'collectionYearTo', 'latitudeTo', 'latitudeFrom', 'longitudeTo', 'longitudeFrom', 'cites' ]; // ------------ functions -------------------- function collectDropDownAttributesLists($model) { if (! isset ( $this->dropDownAttributes )) { $this->dropDownAttributes = array (); foreach ( $model->getParameters () as $name => $list ) { if (isset ( $list ['type'] ) && $list ['type'] == 'select') { array_push ( $this->dropDownAttributes, $name ); } } } if (! isset ( $this->_selectionlists )) { $this->_selectionlists = FormSelectionQueryManager::getAllLists ( $this->dropDownAttributes, $model->getSelectionListNonChosen () ); } return $this->_selectionlists; } // ------------------- controller actions ---------------- /** * this does all the thing for searching the index: */ public function actionIndex() { // Yii::info ( "actionIndexSearch" ); $model = new SearchForm (); $model->attributes = Yii::$app->request->post (); $modelwebsite = new WebsitesearchForm (); // we get all the lists for the drop-down lists in the form -- why?? try { $this->collectDropDownAttributesLists ( $model ); } catch ( \Solarium\Exception\HttpException $e ) { Yii::$app->mailer->compose ()->setFrom (Yii::$app->params ['noreplyMail'] ) ->setTo ( Yii::$app->params ['feedbackMail'] ) ->setSubject ( 'Error occured' )->setTextBody ( $e ) ->send (); return $this->render ( '/site/error', [ "name" => "Oooops", "message" => "The SOLR instance seems to be gone.", "exception" => $e ] ); } // Rukeia 23-02-2013: we store all form parameter values in $filters $filters = array (); if (isset ( $_REQUEST ['SearchForm'] )) { $searchform = $_REQUEST ['SearchForm']; } else $searchform = [ ]; foreach ( $this->knownLParams as $kp ) { if (isset ( $searchform [$kp] ) && strlen ( $searchform [$kp] ) > 0) { if (strcasecmp ( $searchform [$kp], "---" ) > 0) $filters [$kp] = $searchform [$kp]; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) > 0) { if (strcasecmp ( $_REQUEST [$kp], "---" ) > 0) $filters [$kp] = $_REQUEST [$kp]; } } if (isset ( $searchform ['countrycode'] ) && strlen ( $searchform ['countrycode'] ) > 0) { $filters ['isocountrycode'] = $searchform ['countrycode']; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST ['countrycode'] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST ['countrycode'] ) > 0) { $filters ['isocountrycode'] = $_REQUEST ['countrycode']; } foreach ( $this->knownParams as $kp ) { if (isset ( $searchform [$kp] ) && strlen ( $searchform [$kp] ) > 0) { $filters [$kp] = $searchform [$kp]; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) > 0) { $filters [$kp] = $_REQUEST [$kp]; } } $submitWebsearch = Yii::$app->getUrlManager ()->createUrl ( [ 'websitesearch/search' ] ); // Yii::info ( "Filters: " . implode ( $filters, "\n" ) ); if ($filters) { if ($model->validate ()) { $this->redirect ( Url::to ( array_merge ( [ 'search/result' ], $filters ) ) ); } else { $errors = $model->errors; $shopM = new CartForm (); if (! Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { $shoppingCart = sizeof ( DBInterface::getShoppingCart ( Yii::$app->user->identity->id ) ); } else { $shoppingCart = ''; } return $this->render ( 'show/listView', [ 'model' => $model, 'selectionLists' => $this->_selectionlists, "filters" => $filters, "errors" => $errors, 'submitWebsearch' => $submitWebsearch, 'shoppingCart' => $shoppingCart, 'shopM' => $shopM ] ); } } try { return $this->render ( 'search', array ( 'model' => $model, 'selectionLists' => $this->_selectionlists, 'modelwebsite' => $modelwebsite, 'submitWebsearch' => $submitWebsearch ) ); } catch ( \yii\base\ErrorException $e ) { // if(strpos($e, "SOLR")!=0) Yii::$app->mailer->compose ()->setFrom (Yii::$app->params ['noreplyMail'] )->setTo ( Yii::$app->params ['feedbackMail'] )->setSubject ( 'Error occured' )->setTextBody ( $e )->send (); return $this->render ( '/site/error', [ "name" => "Oooops", "message" => "Something went wrong.", "exception" => $e ] ); } } public function actionResult() { // Yii::info ( "actionResult" ); $filters = [ ]; $model = new SearchForm (); $model->attributes = Yii::$app->request->post (); // foreach ( $model->attributes as $att ) // Yii::info ( "ATTR" + $att ); if (isset ( $_REQUEST ['SearchForm'] )) { $searchform = $_REQUEST ['SearchForm']; } else $searchform = [ ]; foreach ( $this->knownLParams as $kp ) { if (isset ( $searchform [$kp] ) && strlen ( $searchform [$kp] ) > 0) { if (strcasecmp ( $searchform [$kp], "---" ) > 0) $filters [$kp] = $searchform [$kp]; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) > 0) { if (strcasecmp ( $_REQUEST [$kp], "---" ) > 0) $filters [$kp] = $_REQUEST [$kp]; } } if (isset ( $searchform ['countrycode'] ) && strlen ( $searchform ['countrycode'] ) > 0) { $filters ['isocountrycode'] = $searchform ['countrycode']; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST ['countrycode'] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST ['countrycode'] ) > 0) { $filters ['isocountrycode'] = $_REQUEST ['countrycode']; } foreach ( $this->knownParams as $kp ) { if (isset ( $searchform [$kp] ) && strlen ( $searchform [$kp] ) > 0) { $filters [$kp] = $searchform [$kp]; } if (isset ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) && strlen ( $_REQUEST [$kp] ) > 0) { $filters [$kp] = $_REQUEST [$kp]; } } // HERE THE TRICK FOR THE NICE URL if ($filters && isset ( $_REQUEST ['SearchForm'] )) { $this->redirect ( Url::to ( array_merge ( [ 'search/result' ], $filters ) ) ); } else return $this->performSearch ( $filters, $model ); } function performSearch($filters, $model) { // Yii::info ( "actionperformSearch" ); // we get all the lists for the drop-down lists in the form -- why?? $this->collectDropDownAttributesLists ( $model ); $submitURL = $this->createUrl ( [ 'search/create' ], $filters ); // validate user input if ($model->validate ()) { $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigSearch (); $query = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $fq = ""; $q = [ ]; $filterInstitution = false; $filterVouchercol = false; foreach ( $filters as $key => $value ) { $value = str_replace ( " ", "\ ", $value ); $value = str_replace ( "(", "\(", $value ); $value = str_replace ( ")", "\)", $value ); $value = str_replace ( ":", "\:", $value ); if ($key == "institution") { $q [] = SOLRQueryManager::getPartialQuery ( $key, $value, $filters, False ); $filterInstitution = true; } if ($key == "voucherCol") { $q [] = SOLRQueryManager::getPartialQuery ( $key, $value, $filters, False ); $filterVouchercol = true; } } if (! $filterInstitution && ! $filterVouchercol) $q = [ "*:*" ]; $raw_response = SOLRQueryManager::fillAndExecuteQuery ( $query, implode ( " AND ", $q ), $fq, $filters, False ); $q[]="isLowest:1"; $query2 = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $raw_responseCounts = SOLRQueryManager::fillAndExecuteQuery ( $query2, implode ( " AND ", $q ), $fq, $filters, False ); $numFound = $raw_responseCounts->getNumFound (); $tripleidstoreids=[]; foreach($raw_response as $document){ $tripleidstoreids = array_merge($tripleidstoreids, $document->lowestTripleIDs); } $tripleidstoreids=array_unique($tripleidstoreids); $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigPreview(); $query = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $q = "tripleidstoreid:(".implode(" OR ", $tripleidstoreids).")"; $raw_response = SOLRQueryManager::fillAndExecuteQuery ( $query, $q , $fq, [], False ); $doc = $raw_response->getDocuments (); $ids = [ ]; foreach ( $raw_response as $id ) { $ids [] = $id->tripleidstoreid; } // Repeat query because Solr won't permit queries with more OR clauses, didn't find a better solution :( // Executed in batches of 200 $SOLR_QUERY_CONSTANT = 200; $shoppingArray = [ ]; if(! Yii::$app->user->isGuest && Yii::$app->params ['shopping']){ for($i = 0; $i < ceil ( count ( $ids ) / $SOLR_QUERY_CONSTANT ); $i ++) { $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigDetails (); $query1 = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $loanStatus = SOLRQueryManager::loanQuery ( $query1, "*:*", array_slice ( $ids, $i * $SOLR_QUERY_CONSTANT, $SOLR_QUERY_CONSTANT ) ); foreach ( $loanStatus as $l ) { $shoppingArray [$l->tripleidstoreid] = $l; } } } $shopM = new CartForm (); if (! Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { $shoppingCart = sizeof ( DBInterface::getShoppingCart ( Yii::$app->user->identity->id ) ); } else { $shoppingCart = ''; } return $this->render ( 'show/listView', array ( "model" => $model, 'response' => $doc, // 'shownAttributes' => $this->shownAttributes, 'keyForLink' => $this->key_link, 'recordFilters' => $this->recordFilters, 'item_count' => $numFound, 'selectionLists' => $this->_selectionlists, 'submitURL' => $this->submitURL, 'filters' => $filters, 'shopping' => $shoppingArray, 'shopM' => $shopM, 'shoppingCart' => $shoppingCart ) ); // Rukeia 26-03-2015: hinzugefügt, damit listView auch auf selectionLists zugreifen kann // 'submitURL'=>$this->$submitURL, } else { $errors = $model->errors; return $this->render ( 'search/result', [ "model" => $model, "filters" => $filters, "errors" => $errors ] ); } } public function createUrl($destination, $formParameters) { $nonEmptyFormParameters = array_filter ( $formParameters, 'strlen' ); unset ( $nonEmptyFormParameters ['yt0'] ); return Yii::$app->getUrlManager ()->createUrl ( $destination, $nonEmptyFormParameters ); } public function actionRecord() { $model = new SearchForm (); $model->attributes = Yii::$app->request->post (); // get the values that came from url back to an array $requestedAttributes = $this->requestedAttributes; if ($model->validate ()) { $output = SingleRecordManager::createOutput ( $requestedAttributes, $model ); if (isset ( $output ) && sizeof ( $output ) > 0) { $output ['display'] = 'tab'; $output['model']=$model; return $this->render ( 'show/recordViewTabs', $output ); } else return "Nothing found, check your tripleid!"; } else { $errors = $model->errors; return $this->render ( 'search/result', [ "filters" => $filters, "errors" => $errors, "model" => $model ] ); } } public function getTripleID($tid) { $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigSearch (); $query = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $raw_response = SOLRQueryManager::fillAndExecuteQuery ( $query, "tripleidstoreid:" . $tid, null, null, False ); $doc = $raw_response->getDocuments (); foreach ( $doc as $d ) return [ $d->unitID, $d->collectioncode, $d->institutioncode ]; } public function actionBrowse() { // Yii::info ( "actionIndexbrowse" ); $elts = Yii::$app->request->get (); if (isset ( $elts ["page"] )) $page = $elts ["page"]; else $page = 0; $fqs = [ ]; $q = [ ]; $rawfqs = [ ]; $filters = [ "recordbasis", "fullScientificName", "familyName", "unitID", "institutioncode", "collectioncode", "country", "institution", "voucherCol", "sampletype" ]; foreach ( $filters as $filter ) { if (isset ( $elts [$filter] )) { $rawfq = $elts [$filter]; $rawfqs [] = $filter . "=" . $rawfq; $fq = str_replace ( " ", "\ ", $rawfq ); $fq = str_replace ( "(", "\(", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( ")", "\)", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( ":", "\:", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( "'", "\'", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( "[", "\[", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( "]", "\]", $fq ); $fq = str_replace ( "+", "\+", $fq ); $fqs [] = $filter . ":" . $fq; $tmp = SOLRQueryManager::getPartialQuery ( $filter, $fq, $filters, False ); // echo $tmp; $q [] = $tmp; } } if (empty ( $q )) $q [] = "*:*"; $filters = [ ]; // $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigDetails (); $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigSearch (); $query = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); $sortScientificName = "fullScientificName_asc"; $sortUnitID = "unitID_asc"; $sortRecordbasis = "recordbasis_asc"; $sortInstitutioncode = "institutioncode_asc"; $sortCollectioncode = "collectioncode_asc"; if (isset ( $elts ["sort"] )) { $field = explode ( "_", $elts ["sort"] )[0]; $direction = explode ( "_", $elts ["sort"] )[1]; $query->addSort ( $field, $direction ); switch ($field) { case "fullScientificName" : if ($direction === "asc") $sortScientificName = "fullScientificName_desc"; else $sortScientificName = "fullScientificName_asc"; break; case "recordbasis" : if ($direction === "asc") $sortRecordbasis = "recordbasis_desc"; else $sortRecordbasis = "recordbasis_asc"; break; case "UnitID" : if ($direction === "asc") $sortUnitID = "UnitID_desc"; else $sortUnitID = "UnitID_asc"; break; case "institutioncode" : if ($direction === "asc") $sortInstitutioncode = "institutioncode_desc"; else $sortInstitutioncode = "institutioncode_asc"; break; case "collectioncode" : if ($direction === "asc") $sortCollectioncode = "collectioncode_desc"; else $sortCollectioncode = "collectioncode_asc"; break; default : $sortScientificName = "fullScientificName_asc"; $sortUnitID = "unitID_asc"; $sortRecordbasis = "recordbasis_asc"; $sortInstitutioncode = "institutioncode_asc"; $sortCollectioncode = "collectioncode_asc"; } } $facetnames = [ 'country', 'institution', 'recordbasis', 'sampletype' ]; try { $raw_response = SOLRQueryManager::browseQuery ( $query, implode ( " AND ", $q ), $fqs, $page, $facetnames ); } catch ( \Solarium\Exception\HttpException $e ) { Yii::$app->mailer->compose ()->setFrom (Yii::$app->params ['noreplyMail'] )->setTo ( Yii::$app->params ['feedbackMail'] )->setSubject ( 'Error occured' )->setTextBody ( $e . "\n q:" . implode ( " AND ", $q ) . "\nfqs:" . implode ( " ", $fqs ) . "\n facets" . implode ( " ", $facetnames ) . "\n URL built: " . Yii::$app->request->url . "\n and the user is " . Yii::$app->request->userIP )->send (); return $this->render ( '/site/error', [ "name" => "Oooops", "message" => "The SOLR instance seems to be gone.", "error" => $e ] ); } $rawfacets = $raw_response->getFacetSet (); $facets = [ ]; foreach ( $facetnames as $fname ) { $tmp = [ "<select class='sel'>" ]; if (! empty ( ($rawfqs) )) $tmp [] = "<option value='/".Yii::$app->params['siteName']."/search/browse?" . implode ( "&", $rawfqs ) . "&" . $fname . "=*'>---</option>"; else $tmp [] = "<option value='/".Yii::$app->params['siteName']."/search/browse?" . $fname . "=*'>---</option>"; foreach ( $rawfacets->getFacet ( $fname ) as $doc => $count ) if (! empty ( ($rawfqs) )) $tmp [] = "<option value='/".Yii::$app->params['siteName']."/search/browse?" . implode ( "&", $rawfqs ) . "&" . $fname . "=" . $doc . "'>" . $doc . " " . $count . "</option>"; else $tmp [] = "<option value='/".Yii::$app->params['siteName']."/search/browse?" . $fname . "=" . $doc . "'>" . $doc . " " . $count . "</option>"; $tmp [] = "</select>"; $facets [$fname] = implode ( "", $tmp ); } $doc = $raw_response->getDocuments (); $lowestDoc = [ ]; foreach ( $doc as $unitdoc ) { $lowestUnits = $unitdoc->lowestTripleIDs; $currentID = $unitdoc->tripleidstoreid; if (in_array ( $currentID, $lowestUnits )) { $lowestDoc [$currentID] = [ $unitdoc->unitID, $unitdoc->collectioncode, $unitdoc->institutioncode ]; } else { $lowestDoc [$currentID] = $this->getTripleID ( $lowestUnits [0] ); } } $numFound = $raw_response->getNumFound (); $nbPages = $numFound / Yii::$app->params ['listPerPage']; $pages = new Pagination ( [ 'totalCount' => $numFound, 'pageSize' => Yii::$app->params ['listPerPage'] ] ); $from = Yii::$app->params ['listPerPage'] * $page; $to = $from + Yii::$app->params ['listPerPage']; if (sizeof ( $rawfqs ) > 0) return $this->render ( 'browse', [ "lowestDoc" => $lowestDoc, "doc" => $doc, "fq" => implode ( "&", $rawfqs ), "pages" => $pages, "page" => $page, "sortScientificName" => $sortScientificName, "sortRecordbasis" => $sortRecordbasis, "sortInstitutioncode" => $sortInstitutioncode, "sortUnitID" => $sortUnitID, "sortCollectioncode" => $sortCollectioncode, "facets" => $facets, "recordsFrom" => $from, "recordsTo" => $to, "recordsTotal" => $numFound ] ); else return $this->render ( 'browse', [ "lowestDoc" => $lowestDoc, "doc" => $doc, "pages" => $pages, "page" => $page, "sortScientificName" => $sortScientificName, "sortRecordbasis" => $sortRecordbasis, "sortInstitutioncode" => $sortInstitutioncode, "sortUnitID" => $sortUnitID, "sortCollectioncode" => $sortCollectioncode, "facets" => $facets, "recordsFrom" => $from, "recordsTo" => $to, "recordsTotal" => $numFound ] ); } public function getSelectionlists(){ return $this->_selectionlists; } public function actionTree() { $elts = Yii::$app->request->get (); if (isset ( $elts ["institution"] )) $institution = $elts ["institution"]; else $institution = null; $model = new SearchForm (); $elements = $model->getParameters (); $this->collectDropDownAttributesLists ( $model ); $facetnames = [ 'institution' ]; $facets = [ ]; foreach ( $elements as $key => $param ) { if (in_array ( $key, $facetnames )) { $attributeList = isset ( $this->_selectionlists ) ? $this->_selectionlists [$key] : array (); $selectField = [ ]; foreach ( $attributeList as $kk => $vv ) { if (preg_match ( "/ \(\d* \/ \d*\)/", $vv )) $selectField [preg_replace ( "/ \(\d* \/ \d*\)/", "", $vv )] = $vv; else $selectField [preg_replace ( "/ \(\d*\)/", "", $vv )] = $vv; } if (! empty ( $institution )) $facets [] = Html::dropDownList ( $key, $institution, $selectField, $htmlOptions = [ 'class' => "dropDownLabel", 'id2' => $key ] ); else $facets [] = Html::dropDownList ( $key, $key, $selectField, $htmlOptions = [ 'class' => "dropDownLabel", 'id2' => $key ] ); } } $connection = new \yii\db\Connection ( Yii::$app->db ); $connection->open (); $command = $connection->createCommand ( "SELECT distinct taxon_id, name, total_species_extant from _taxon_tree where rank='kingdom' order by name asc" ); // $command = $connection->createCommand ( "SELECT distinct taxon_id, name, number_of_children from _taxon_tree where rank='kingdom' order by name asc" ); $dataReader = $command->queryAll (); $tree = [ ]; $config = SOLRQueryManager::getConfigBackbone (); foreach ( $dataReader as $row ) { $sql = "select count(distinct fullscientificname) as nbChildren, count(distinct occurrenceid) as nbOccurrences, kingdom from treeoflife where kingdom='" . $row ["name"] . "'"; if (isset ( $institution )) $sql .= " AND institution='" . $institution . "'"; $sql .= "group by kingdom"; $command2 = $connection->createCommand ( $sql ); $dataReader2 = $command2->queryAll (); // $value = $row['name']; // $value = str_replace (" ", "\ ", $value ); // $q="rank:KINGDOM AND kingdom:".$value; // // $fq="{!join from=colKey to=Keys fromIndex=ggbn_details_local}*:*"; // $fq=null; // $query = SOLRQueryManager::createSearchQuery ( $config ); // $raw_response = SOLRQueryManager::fillAndExecuteQuery ( $query, $q , $fq, null, False); // $docs=$raw_response->getDocuments (); // $nbOccurrences=0; // $nbTaxChildren=0; // foreach ($docs as $doc){ // $nbOccurrences =$doc->occurrenceCount; // $nbTaxChildren =$doc->childrenCount; // if(empty($nbOccurrences)) // $nbOccurrences = 0; // $nbTaxChildren = $doc->childrenCount; // if(empty($nbTaxChildren)) // $nbTaxChildren = 0; // } $ok = false; foreach ( $dataReader2 as $row2 ) { $ok = true; $nbOccurrences = $row2 ['nbOccurrences']; $nbTaxChildren = $row2 ['nbChildren']; $mykingdom = $row2 ['kingdom']; $tree [$row ["taxon_id"]] = [ $mykingdom, $nbTaxChildren, $nbOccurrences ]; // $tree[$row["taxon_id"]]=[$row["name"],$row["number_of_children"]]; } if (! $ok) $tree [$row ["taxon_id"]] = [ $row ["name"], 0, 0 ]; } Yii::$app->db->close (); return $this->render ( 'treeoflife', [ "tree" => $tree, "facets" => $facets ] ); } public function actionTreesearch($canonicalName, $parentName, $parentRank, $institution) { $filters = [ ]; if ($parentRank == "genus") { $filters ['fullScientificName'] = $canonicalName . "*"; } if ($parentRank == "family") { $filters ['genusName'] = $canonicalName; $filters ['familyName'] = $parentName; } if ($parentRank == "order") { $filters ['familyName'] = $canonicalName; $filters ['orderName'] = $parentName; } if ($parentRank == "class") { $filters ['orderName'] = $canonicalName; $filters ['className'] = $parentName; } if ($parentRank == "phylum") { $filters ['className'] = $canonicalName; $filters ['phylumName'] = $parentName; } if ($parentRank == "kingdom") { $filters ['phylumName'] = $canonicalName; $filters ['kingdom'] = $parentName; } if (isset ( $institution )) if(! empty ( str_ireplace ( "---", "", $institution ) )) $filters ['institution'] = $institution; $this->redirect ( Url::to ( array_merge ( [ 'search/result' ], $filters ) ) ); } }