true ) ); $builder = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_InterchangeBuilder (); $interchange = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange (); $builder->buildDir ( $interchange ); $loader = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../config-schema.php'; if (file_exists ( $loader )) include $loader; $interchange->validate (); $style = 'plain'; // use $_GET in the future, careful to validate! $configdoc_xml = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/configdoc.xml'; $xml_builder = new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_Xml (); $xml_builder->openURI ( $configdoc_xml ); $xml_builder->build ( $interchange ); unset ( $xml_builder ); // free handle $xslt = new ConfigDoc_HTMLXSLTProcessor (); $xslt->importStylesheet ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/styles/$style.xsl" ); $output = $xslt->transformToHTML ( $configdoc_xml ); if (! $output) { echo "Error in generating files\n"; exit ( 1 ); } // write out file_put_contents ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/$style.html", $output ); if (php_sapi_name () != 'cli') { // output (instant feedback if it's a browser) echo $output; } else { echo "Files generated successfully.\n"; } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4