expectException ( new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception ( $msg ) ); } protected function makeAtom($value) { $obj = new stdClass (); $obj->property = $value; // Note that 'property' and 'context' are magic wildcard values return new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom ( 'context', $obj, 'property' ); } public function testAssertIsString() { $this->makeAtom ( 'foo' )->assertIsString (); } public function testAssertIsStringFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be a string" ); $this->makeAtom ( 3 )->assertIsString (); } public function testAssertNotNull() { $this->makeAtom ( 'foo' )->assertNotNull (); } public function testAssertNotNullFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must not be null" ); $this->makeAtom ( null )->assertNotNull (); } public function testAssertAlnum() { $this->makeAtom ( 'foo2' )->assertAlnum (); } public function testAssertAlnumFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be alphanumeric" ); $this->makeAtom ( '%a' )->assertAlnum (); } public function testAssertAlnumFailIsString() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be a string" ); $this->makeAtom ( 3 )->assertAlnum (); } public function testAssertNotEmpty() { $this->makeAtom ( 'foo' )->assertNotEmpty (); } public function testAssertNotEmptyFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must not be empty" ); $this->makeAtom ( '' )->assertNotEmpty (); } public function testAssertIsBool() { $this->makeAtom ( false )->assertIsBool (); } public function testAssertIsBoolFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be a boolean" ); $this->makeAtom ( '0' )->assertIsBool (); } public function testAssertIsArray() { $this->makeAtom ( array () )->assertIsArray (); } public function testAssertIsArrayFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be an array" ); $this->makeAtom ( 'asdf' )->assertIsArray (); } public function testAssertIsLookup() { $this->makeAtom ( array ( 'foo' => true ) )->assertIsLookup (); } public function testAssertIsLookupFail() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be a lookup array" ); $this->makeAtom ( array ( 'foo' => 4 ) )->assertIsLookup (); } public function testAssertIsLookupFailIsArray() { $this->expectValidationException ( "Property in context must be an array" ); $this->makeAtom ( 'asdf' )->assertIsLookup (); } } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4