* @author Gabriele Droege, Sybille Buers, Patricia Kelbert (BGBM, GGBN/DNA Bank Network) * @version 1.0 * @package View * @var $this SearchController * @var $model SearchForm * @var $shownAttributes an array of the attributes of the record, that should be shown * @var $keyForLink the attribute name, that will be clickable * @var $form SearchForm containing all field values * @var $response SolrObject containing the matching units from the search * @var $recordFilters the attributes that will be used to find record(s) e.g. unitID * @var $requestString request sent to SOLR server * @copyright Copyright © 2011 DNA Bank Network http://www.dnabank-network.org *
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * @filesource * @license http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ MPL */ use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\helpers\Url; use yii\web\View; use worldfloraonline\models\SearchForm; use kartik\widgets\ActiveForm; use yii\jui\Accordion; use worldfloraonline\controllers\SearchController; use ggbn\CreateFormManager; use yii\bootstrap\Modal; use yii\widgets\Pjax; use yii\web\Request; // use backend\models\AccountForm; use common\models\CartForm; use kartik\form\ActiveField; $this->title = 'World Flora Online Specimen Portal'; // $this->title = 'Results'; // $this->params ['breadcrumbs'] [] = $this->title; ?> '.$contentleft.''; ?> '.$contentright.''; ?>
params ['useLogin'] && (in_array ( Yii::$app->request->userIP, Yii::$app->params ['authorizedIPs'] ) || in_array ( "all", Yii::$app->params ['authorizedIPs'] ))) { if (! \Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { // Get the predefined user settings from the database and pass them to javascript $settings = Yii::$app->user->identity->getUserSettings (); $page = $settings ['default_hits_per_page']; $order = $settings ['default_sort']; $asc = $settings ['order']; $this->registerJs ( "var ops = " . json_encode ( $page ) . "; var or = " . json_encode ( $order ) . "; var asc = " . json_encode ( $asc ) . ";", View::POS_HEAD, 'my-options' ); } else { echo '
Log in to save your search parameters or to access the shopping system
'; $this->registerJs ( "var ops = 25; var or = 0 ; var asc = 'asc';", View::POS_HEAD, 'my-options' ); } } else $this->registerJs ( "var ops = 25; var or = 0; var asc = 'asc';", View::POS_HEAD, 'my-options' ); $contentLeft = ""; $contentRight = ""; // $model = new SearchForm (); // Yii::info ( "listView" ); $elements = $model->getParameters (); function createFilters($doc, $recordFilters) { $docFilters = [ 'unitID' => $doc->unitID, 'collectioncode' => $doc->collectioncode, 'institutioncode' => $doc->institutioncode, 'trick17ID' => $doc->trick17ID, 'kindofunit' => $doc->sampletype ]; $i = 1; return $docFilters; } function createRecordActionUrl($docFilters) { // Yii::info ( $docFilters ); $docCP = array_slice ( $docFilters, 0, 3 ); $nurl = Url::to ( array_merge ( [ 'search/record' ], $docCP ) ); return $nurl; } $nl = "
"; ?>


= 3000) echo $item_count . " (or more) record"; else echo $item_count . " record"; if ($item_count > 1) { echo "s"; } echo " found "; if ($item_count >= 3000) echo " -- The display is limited to 3000 records."; } else echo "No records found."; ?>

Your search:
'get', 'action' => $submitURL, 'enableClientValidation' => true, 'validateOnSubmit' => true ] ); echo $form->errorSummary ( $model ); echo ""; $suggestFields = [ 'fullScientificName' ]; $defaultFields = [ 'familyName', 'phylumName', 'className', 'orderName', 'genusName', 'unitID', 'sequenceaccessionIdentifier', 'locality', 'collectors', 'collectornumber' ]; $selectFields = [ 'country', 'geneticlocus', 'kingdom', 'continent', 'ocean', 'sea', 'institution', 'voucherCol', 'sampletype', 'collectioncode', 'institutioncode' , 'indexHerbarorium' ] ; $checkFields=['hasTypestatus', 'hasImage']; $radioB=[]; foreach ( $elements as $key => $param ) { if (isset ( $param ['type'] )) { // echo "param config :".$param ['config'] ['name']."
"; // 1. preparation for the field generation $type = $param ['type']; $selectedValue = ''; foreach ( $suggestFields as $tf ) if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == $tf && isset ( $filters [$tf] )) { $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters [$tf]; $param ['type'] = 'suggest'; } foreach ( $defaultFields as $tf ) if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == $tf && isset ( $filters [$tf] )) { $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters [$tf]; $param ['type'] = 'default'; } foreach ( $checkFields as $tf ){ if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == $tf && isset ( $filters [$tf] )) { $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters [$tf]; $param ['type'] = 'checkbox'; $selectedValue = $filters [$tf]; $radioB[$tf] = $filters [$tf]; } } if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == 'cites' && isset ( $filters ['cites'] )) { $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters ['cites']; $param ['type'] = 'radio'; } // if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == 'hasImage' && isset ( $filters ['hasImage'] )) { // $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters ['hasImage']; // $param ['type'] = 'checkbox'; // } // if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == 'hasTypestatus' && isset ( $filters ['hasTypestatus'] )) { // $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters ['hasTypestatus']; // $param ['type'] = 'checkbox'; // } if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == 'Coordinates' && (isset ( $filters ['latitudeFrom'] ) || isset ( $filters ['latitudeTo'] ) || isset ( $filters ['longitudeTo'] ) || isset ( $filters ['longitudeFrom'] ))) { handleCoordinates ( $filters, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $this, $model, $form, $selectedValue ); } if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == 'Collection Year' && (isset ( $filters ['collectionYearFrom'] ) || isset ( $filters ['collectionYearTo'] ))) { handleGatheringyear ( $filters, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $this, $model, $form, $selectedValue ); } foreach ( $selectFields as $tf ) if ($param ['config'] ['name'] == $tf && isset ( $filters [$tf] )) { $selectedValue = $filters [$tf]; $param ['type'] = 'select'; $param ['config'] ['value'] = $filters [$tf]; } $htmlOpts = isset ( $param ['config'] ) ? $param ['config'] : array (); // Rukeia 30-03-2015: If the field was not used for the search, it's set not to be displayed in the // first place and it gets a button to hide it again: if (! isset ( $param ['config'] ['value'] ) && $selectedValue == '') { // Rukeia 30-03-2015: added $hide_option = "style=\"display:none;\""; $hide_button = "request->baseUrl . "/images/close.png \" parent_name=\"" . $key . "\" class=\"hide_button\" alt=\"close\"/>"; } else { $hide_option = ""; $hide_button = "request->baseUrl . "/images/close.png \" parent_name=\"" . $key . "\" class=\"hide_button\" alt=\"close\"/>"; } // use default size if no size is given if (! isset ( $param ['config'] ['size'] )) { $param ['config'] ['size'] = $model->getFieldSize (); } // surround label and fields with div echo "
"; // 2. label - could be common text label or drop down choice // choose whether the label is a dropdown choice: if (isset ( $param ['alt'] ) && is_array ( $param ['alt'] ) && sizeof ( $param ['alt'] > 0 )) { $altList = array ( $key ) + $param ['alt']; echo Html::dropDownList ( $key, $key, $altList, $htmlOptions = array ( 'class' => "dropDownLabel", 'id2' => $key ) ); $htmlOpts += array ( "class" => "hasSelectableLabel_" . $key, "id2" => $key ); $alt = true; } else { $altList = null; // echo $form->labelEx ( $model, $key ); $form->field ( $model, $key )->label ( $key ); $alt = false; } echo $hide_button; // 3. field itself (different types -depending on $type CreateFormManager::createField ( $this, $model, $form, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $htmlOpts, $selectedValue, $hide_option, $hide_button ); // Rukeia 26-03-2015: added $selectedValue; Wozu werden hier $hide_option, $hide_button gebraucht? // if there are alternate fields create them and hide them: if ($alt) { if (isset ( $htmlOpts ['style'] )) { $htmlOpts ['style'] += " display:none;"; } else { $htmlOpts ['style'] = "display:none;"; } foreach ( $altList as $altField ) { unset ( $param ['valueList'] ); CreateFormManager::createField ( $this, $model, $form, $altField, $param, $selectionLists, $htmlOpts, $selectedValue ); // Rukeia 26-03-2015: added $selectedValue } } echo "
"; } } // echo "
Info: The scientificnames are extended to synonyms and accepted names based on the GBIF Checklist - ongoing work"; // 0. this provides the pulldown thing that contains the search field list echo ""; $notUsedFields = array (); $notUsedElements = array (); // echo '
'; echo '
'; echo "
"; echo Html::submitButton ( $model->refineSearchButtonLabel, [ 'class' => 'btn btn-success' ] ); echo " "; echo "
"; echo Accordion::widget ( [ 'items' => [ [ 'header' => "Add search field", 'content' => $this->render ( '/search/searchFieldSelection', [ 'hideable_fields' => $model->getCompleteListFields (), 'hidden_elements' => $model->getCompleteList () ], true ) ] ], 'options' => [ 'tag' => 'div', 'autoHeight' => false, 'active' => false, 'delay' => '100' ], 'itemOptions' => [ 'tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'balmusette_search' ], 'headerOptions' => [ 'tag' => 'button', 'class' => 'btn btn-success' ], 'clientOptions' => [ 'collapsible' => true, 'active' => false ] ] ); echo "
"; echo Html::button ( $model->newSearchButtonLabel, array ( 'onclick' => 'js:document.location.href="' . Yii::$app->getUrlManager ()->createUrl ( [ 'search/index' ] ) . '"', 'class' => 'btn btn-success' ) ); echo "
"; $searchPage = Yii::$app->getUrlManager ()->createUrl ( [ 'search/index' ] ); ActiveForm::end (); ?>

'shoppingCartContent', 'enablePushState' => true ] ); ?> 0):?> 'btn btn-success', 'title'=>'See the selected units', 'id' => 'addButton']);?>

array (), "url" => array (), "isocountrycode" => array (), "unitID" => array (), "institutioncode" => array (), "collectioncode" => array (), "trick17ID" => array (), "kindofunit" => array (), "country" => array (), "collectors" => array (), "collectornumber" => array (), "gatheringyear" => array (), "indexHerbarorium" => [ ], "locality" => [ ], "multimedia" => [ ] ); // "associatedID" => array () if (isset ( $response )) foreach ( $response as $doc ) { if ($doc->fullScientificName == "") { if ($doc->familyName != "") { $value = $doc->familyName; } else { if ($doc->orderName != "") { $value = $doc->orderName; } else { if ($doc->className != "") { $value = $doc->className; } else { if ($doc->phylumName != "") { $value = $doc->phylumName; } else { if ($doc->kingdomName != "") { $value = $doc->kingdomName; } else $value = "no identification"; } } } } array_push ( $content_array ["value"], $value ); } else { $value = $doc->fullScientificName; array_push ( $content_array ["value"], $value ); } $names = $doc->fullScientificName_nc; if (! empty ( $names )) foreach ( $names as $n ) { if ((strpos ( $n, "N/A" )) === false) array_push ( $nameExtended, $n ); } asort ( $nameExtended ); // if (is_array ( $doc ['upperUnitIDs'] )) { // array_push ( $content_array["associatedID"],implode($doc ['upperUnitIDs'],", ")); // } // else array_push ( $content_array["associatedID"],"nothing"); $filters = createFilters ( $doc, $recordFilters ); $url = createRecordActionUrl ( $filters ); array_push ( $content_array ["url"], $url ); array_push ( $content_array ["isocountrycode"], $doc->isocountrycode ); array_push ( $content_array ["unitID"], $doc->unitID ); array_push ( $content_array ["trick17ID"], $doc->trick17ID ); array_push ( $content_array ["institutioncode"], $doc->institutioncode ); array_push ( $content_array ["collectioncode"], $doc->collectioncode ); array_push ( $content_array ["kindofunit"], $doc->sampletype ); array_push ( $content_array ["country"], $doc->country ); array_push ( $content_array ["collectors"], $doc->collectors ); $cn = $doc->collectornumbers_nc; if (sizeof ( $cn ) > 0) { $f = false; foreach ( $cn as $c ) { if ((strpos ( $c, "N/A" )) === false && (strpos ( $c, "s.n." )) === false) { array_push ( $content_array ["collectornumber"], $c ); $f = true; } } if (! $f) array_push ( $content_array ["collectornumber"], "s.n." ); } else array_push ( $content_array ["collectornumber"], "s.n." ); // array_push ( $content_array ["collectornumber"], $doc->collectornumber ); array_push ( $content_array ["gatheringyear"], $doc->gatheringyear ); array_push ( $content_array ["indexHerbarorium"], $doc->indexHerbarorium ); $imgF = false; $imgFilled = false; if ($doc->hasImage) { if (isset ( $doc->multimediaurl )) { foreach ( $doc->multimediaurl as $murl ) { if ($murl != "N/A") { if (! $imgFilled) { if (strpos ( $murl, "http" ) === FALSE) { if (sizeof ( $doc->multimediaurl ) > 1) continue; else { $murl = "http://" . $murl; array_push ( $content_array ["multimedia"], "yes" ); $imgF = true; $imgFilled = true; } } else { array_push ( $content_array ["multimedia"], "yes" ); $imgF = true; $imgFilled = true; } } } } } } if (! $imgF) array_push ( $content_array ["multimedia"], "no" ); } if (isset ( $response )) { echo "
Click on a Scientific name to see the specimen's full details or select several checkboxes and click on the button \"See units\"
"; if (! empty ( $nameExtended ) && isset ( $filters ['fullScientificName'] )) echo "
The query has been extended to the names " . implode ( ", ", array_unique ( $nameExtended ) ) . "
"; $form = ActiveForm::begin ( [ 'id' => 'form', 'type' => ActiveForm::TYPE_INLINE, 'enableAjaxValidation' => true, 'enableClientScript' => true, 'validateOnSubmit' => true, 'validateOnType' => false, 'validateOnChange' => false, 'validationUrl' => [ 'multiunits/add' ] ] ); echo ""; // if (! Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { // echo " "; // } echo " "; for($i = 0; $i <= sizeof ( $content_array ["value"] ) - 1; $i ++) { echo ""; $val = preg_replace ( '*\/*', 'SLASH', $content_array ["unitID"] [$i] . "---" . $content_array ["collectioncode"] [$i] . "---" . $content_array ["institutioncode"] [$i] ); // Yii::info("VAL : ".$val); $val = str_replace ( "(", "PARO", $val ); $val = str_replace ( ")", "PARF", $val ); $val = str_replace ( ":", "DBLPT", $val ); // Yii::info("VAL2 : ".$val); echo ''; echo ""; echo ""; // if (isset ( $content_array ["trick17ID"] [$i] ) && $content_array ["trick17ID"] [$i] != $content_array ["unitID"] [$i]) // echo ""; // else echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
Scientific name Country Collector(s) Col. no. Year IH Subcollection Specimen ID Image Selected
' . $form->field ( $multiUnitsM, 'checked[' . $val . ']', [ 'validateOnBlur' => false, 'validateOnChange' => false ] )->checkbox ( [ 'class' => 'select-checkbox' ] ) . '" . $content_array ["value"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["country"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["unitID"] [$i] . " (" . $content_array ["trick17ID"] [$i] . ")" . $content_array ["collectors"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["collectornumber"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["gatheringyear"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["indexHerbarorium"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["collectioncode"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["unitID"] [$i] . "" . $content_array ["multimedia"] [$i] . "
"; if ($item_count >10) echo "
Go to page

"; ActiveForm::end (); } /** * This function checks whether a sample is available for order. * * @param unknown $line * an array containing the information on the sample * @return boolean true, if the sample can be ordered; false if it is missing, consumed or blocked. */ function isAvailable($line) { // sample missing or consumed if ($line ["disposition_clean"] === 'missing' || $line ['disposition_clean'] === 'consumed') { return false; } // sample still blocked elseif (strtotime ( $line ['blockedUntil'] ) - time () > 0) { return false; } elseif ($line ['blocked'] == 'yes') { return false; } else { return true; } } function handleCoordinates($filters, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $this, $model, $form, $selectedValue) { try { $latitudeFrom = $filters ['latitudeFrom']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $latitudeFrom = NULL; } try { $latitudeTo = $filters ['latitudeTo']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $latitudeTo = NULL; } try { $longitudeFrom = $filters ['longitudeFrom']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $longitudeFrom = NULL; } try { $longitudeTo = $filters ['longitudeTo']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $longitudeTo = NULL; } $hide_option = ""; $hide_button = "request->baseUrl . "/images/close.png \" parent_name=\"" . $key . "\" class=\"hide_button\" alt=\"close\"/>"; $htmlOpts = [ "name" => $param ['config'] ['name'], "attribute1" => "latitudeFrom", "attribute2" => "latitudeTo", "attribute3" => "longitudeFrom", "attribute4" => "longitudeTo", "attribute1value" => $latitudeFrom, "attribute2value" => $latitudeTo, "attribute3value" => $longitudeFrom, "attribute4value" => $longitudeTo, 'type' => \kartik\field\FieldRange::INPUT_TEXT ]; echo "
"; CreateFormManager::createField ( $this, $model, $form, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $htmlOpts, $selectedValue, $hide_option, $hide_button ); echo $hide_button; echo "
"; } function handleGatheringyear($filters, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $this, $model, $form, $selectedValue) { try { $collectionYearFrom = $filters ['collectionYearFrom']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $collectionYearFrom = NULL; } try { $collectionYearTo = $filters ['collectionYearTo']; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $collectionYearTo = NULL; } $hide_option = ""; $hide_button = "request->baseUrl . "/images/close.png \" parent_name=\"" . $key . "\" class=\"hide_button\" alt=\"close\"/>"; $htmlOpts = [ "name" => $param ['config'] ['name'], "attribute1" => "collectionYearFrom", "attribute2" => "collectionYearTo", "attribute1value" => $collectionYearFrom, "attribute2value" => $collectionYearTo, "type" => \kartik\field\FieldRange::INPUT_TEXT ]; echo "
"; CreateFormManager::createField ( $this, $model, $form, $key, $param, $selectionLists, $htmlOpts, $selectedValue, $hide_option, $hide_button ); echo $hide_button; echo "
"; } ?>