#abcd or darwincore Protocol=abcd #all availables protocols #Protocol=all #1.2 or 2.0 leave empty for when Protocol is darwincore "" ProtocolVersion=1.2 # all versions #ProtocolVersion=all #de en fr nor swe fin is lt dk es #default_language=en all language=cn #all availabe lanaguages available_languages=en de fr swe lt fin dk listseparator=" " #directory of the tranaltion terms #lang_dir=translation lang_dir=translation_utf8 #source directory (abcd1.2/abcd2.0) sourcedir = ${Protocol}${ProtocolVersion} #output directory translated_dir=translated_xslt_test #prefix for translated xslts traslated_file_prefix=${language} #file extension of the translated files file_extension=xslt