# The block of messages below are only found in this file. If you'd
# like to override them for other languages, simply add the keys
# to the other resource bundles.
# Start verified properties
# -- button labels --
button.add=add bioDatasource
button.toStatic=switch to Static View
button.cleanLogs=erase logs
button.toDynamic=switch to Dynamic View
button.writeStats=statistics report
button.writeReport=statistics report
button.generateReport=generate report
button.deleteOrphans=delete orphans
button.loadFile=upload units list
button.fileFormat=one unitID per line
button.writeMissingReport=report on missing associated units
#new methods for associated data
asso.processList=Process harvested units
# -- Alert messages
alert.switchingToDynamic=Switching to Dynamic View
alert.switchingToStatic=Switching to Static View
backup.help=Copies BioDatasource directory (and all its contents) to the backup directory. Note this does not delete the BioDatasource.
delete.help=Flags the BioDatasource as deleted any deletes its directory (and all its contents) plus all related jobs and logs messages.
# -- Dropdown options
option.provider=Data provider
option.country=Endorsing Country
# -- Login section (decorator)
login.logout=Log out
login.login=Log in
login.unauthorised=You are not authorised to see this page - please log in
# -- Datasources list page --
datasources.explainingText=Overview of all BioDatasources managed locally, divided into 2 categories: metadata updaters and operators.
Metadata updaters gather information about the number of resources behind a given access point and create a new operator for each one.
The operators are then used to manage and perform actions against that individual resource located at the given access point.
In order to add a new datasource, click on the button add bioDatasource in the right corner (bottom).
Fill all the fields, be sure that you are using the correct access point url. ie, a Biocase access point should contain "pywrapper.cgi" and not "dsa_info.cgi".
datasources.title=BioDatasource List
biodatasources.explainingText=Overview of all BioDatasources managed locally, divided into 2 categories: metadata updaters and operators.
Metadata updaters gather information about the number of resources behind a given access point and create a new operator for each one.
The operators are then used to manage and perform actions against that individual resource located at the given access point.
In order to add a new datasource, click on the button add bioDatasource in the right corner (bottom).
Fill all the fields, be sure that you are using the correct access point url. ie, a Biocase access point should contain "pywrapper.cgi" and not "dsa_info.cgi".
view.deleted=Deleted BioDatasources cannot be scheduled
# -- Datasources list page end --
# -- Datasource Detail page --
bioDatasourceDetail.title=BioDatasource Detail
bioDatasourceDetail.add.heading=Add BioDatasource
bioDatasourceDetail.edit.heading=Edit BioDatasource
bioDatasourceDetail.message=Configure your BioDatasource
bioDatasourceDetail.add.message=You can create a new BioDatasource using the form below.
bioDatasourceDetail.edit.message=You can edit the BioDatasource using the form below.
bioDatasource.name=BioDatasource Name
bioDatasource.providerName=Provider Name (abbrev)
bioDatasource.providerFullName=Provider Full Name
bioDatasource.providerURL=Provider Website URL
bioDatasource.providerAddress=Provider Address
bioDatasource.url=Accesspoint URL
bioDatasource.harvesterFactory=Factory class
bioDatasource.targetCount=Target Count
bioDatasource.lastHarvested=Last Harvested
bioDatasource.uddiKey=UDDI Key
# -- Datasource Edit page end --
# -- Associated Datasource Detail page --
associatedDatasourceDetail.title=BioDatasource Detail
associatedDatasourceDetail.add.heading=Add BioDatasource
associatedDatasourceDetail.edit.heading=Edit BioDatasource
associatedDatasourceDetail.message=Configure your BioDatasource
associatedDatasourceDetail.add.message=You can create a new BioDatasource using the form below.
associatedDatasourceDetail.edit.message=You can edit the BioDatasource using the form below.
associatedDatasource.name=BioDatasource Name
associatedDatasource.providerName=Provider Name (abbrev)
associatedDatasource.providerFullName=Provider Full Name
associatedDatasource.providerURL=Provider Website URL
associatedDatasource.providerAddress=Provider Address
associatedDatasource.url=Accesspoint URL
associatedDatasource.harvesterFactory=Factory class
associatedDatasource.targetCount=Target Count
associatedDatasource.lastHarvested=Last Harvested
associatedDatasource.uddiKey=UDDI Key
toto.name=BioDatasource Name
toto.providerName=Provider Name (abbrev)
toto.url=Accesspoint URL
toto.providerFullName=Provider Full Name
toto.providerURL=Provider Website URL
toto.providerAddress=Provider Address
toto.harvesterFactory=Factory class
toto.targetCount=Target Count
toto.lastHarvested=Last Harvested
toto.uddiKey=UDDI Key
# -- Datasource Edit page end --
# -- Console page --
console.title=LogEvent List
console.explainingText=A view of all log messages being generated by the application, automatically refreshed every few seconds
# buttons
# -- Console page end --
#Extra unit harvesting
extra.title=Supplemental units
#quality tests
quality.title=Quality tests control (launch/display/export)
#view data
viewer.title=View data from the provider (after quality improvement when possible)
#Datasource management
manager.title=Datasource management
# -- Registry page begin --
#registry.explainingText=Synchronise with the GBIF Registry. It can be auto-scheduled, and/or filtered by endorsing Node or organisation name. Default synchronisation runs one time, and synchronises all endorsed data resources from all organisations.
#registry.explainingText-deleteOrphans=Delete orphaned Biodatasources (ie those whose corresponding organisation, resource, or service has been deleted from the Registry).
# -- registry page end --
# -- report page begin --
report.explainingText=generates an indexing report that includes indexing statistics for all BioDatasources. The outfile is written to:
report.dailyReport.explainingText=Compile all log events for one or more data providers into an indexing report displayed below. Filter the report by a date range, minimum log level, or by one or more provider names. The default settings compiles filtering by logs of level 'error' going back 24hrs for all data providers.
# -- report page end --
# -- job list page --
jobs.title=Job List
jobs.explainingText=A view of all operations that have been scheduled and are awaiting execution. Please note that the maximum number of operations that can be run in parallel is 500.
jobs.kill=Job with ID
# -- job list page end --
# Multiple places
schedule.toRun=to run
# End verified properties
user.status=Logged in as:
# -- validator errors --
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.
errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters.
errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
errors.required={0} is a required field.
errors.byte={0} must be an byte.
errors.date={0} is not a date.
errors.double={0} must be an double.
errors.float={0} must be an float.
errors.integer={0} must be a number.
errors.long={0} must be an long.
errors.short={0} must be an short.
errors.creditcard={0} is not a valid credit card number.
errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address.
errors.phone={0} is an invalid phone number.
errors.zip={0} is an invalid zip code.
# -- other errors --
errors.cancel=Operation cancelled.
errors.general=The process did not complete. Details should follow.
errors.token=Request could not be completed. Operation is not in sequence.
errors.none=No error message was found, check your server logs.
errors.password.mismatch=Invalid username and/or password, please try again.
errors.conversion=An error occurred while converting web values to data values.
errors.twofields=The {0} field has to have the same value as the {1} field.
errors.existing.user=This username ({0}) or e-mail address ({1}) already exists. Please try a different username.
# -- success messages --
user.added=User information for {0} has been added successfully.
user.deleted=User Profile for {0} has been deleted successfully.
user.registered=You have successfully registered for access to this application.
user.saved=Your profile has been updated successfully.
user.updated.byAdmin=User information for {0} has been successfully updated.
newuser.email.message={0} has created an AppFuse account for you. Your username and password information is below.
# -- error page messages --
errorPage.title=An error has occurred
404.title=Page Not Found
404.message=The page you requested was not found. You might try returning to the Main Menu. While you're here, how about a pretty picture to cheer you up?
403.title=Access Denied
403.message=Your current role does not allow you to view this page. Please contact your system administrator if you believe you should have access. In the meantime, how about a pretty picture to cheer you up?
# -- login --
login.rememberMe=Remember Me
login.signup=Not a member? Signup for an account.
login.passwordHint=Forgot your password? Have your password hint e-mailed to you.
login.passwordHint.sent=The password hint for {0} has been sent to {1}.
login.passwordHint.error=The username {0} was not found in our database.
# -- mainMenu --
mainMenu.title=Main Menu
This is the Alpha 1.0 version of GBIF's Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit (HIT).
Please note that this version supports the harvesting of DiGIR, BioCASe, and TAPIR providers.
To begin, please choose from one of the following options:
mainMenu.activeUsers=Current Users # -- menu/link messages -- menu.admin=Administration menu.admin.users=View Users menu.user=Edit Profile menu.listBioDatasources=View a list of all BioDatasources menu.addBioDatasource=Add a new BioDatasource menu.bioDatasources=BioDatasources menu.bioDatasources.addBiodatasource=Add a BioDatasource menu.bioDatasources.biodatasources=View BioDatasources menu.bioDatasources.synchronise=Synchronise with UDDI # -- form labels -- label.username=Username label.password=Password # -- general values -- icon.information=Information icon.information.img=/images/iconInformation.gif icon.email=E-Mail icon.email.img=/images/iconEmail.gif icon.warning=Warning icon.warning.img=/images/iconWarning.gif date.format=MM/dd/yyyy # -- role form -- roleForm.name=Name # -- user profile page -- userProfile.title=User Settings userProfile.heading=User Profile userProfile.message=Please update your information using the form below. userProfile.admin.message=You can update this user's information using the form below. userProfile.showMore=View More Information userProfile.accountSettings=Account Settings userProfile.assignRoles=Assign Roles userProfile.cookieLogin=You cannot change passwords when logging in with the Remember Me feature. Please logout and log back in to change passwords. # -- user form -- user.address.address=Address user.availableRoles=Available Roles user.address.city=City user.address.country=Country user.email=E-Mail user.firstName=First Name user.id=Id user.lastName=Last Name user.password=Password user.confirmPassword=Confirm Password user.phoneNumber=Phone Number user.address.postalCode=Zip user.address.province=State user.roles=Current Roles user.username=Username user.website=Website user.visitWebsite=visit user.passwordHint=Password Hint user.enabled=Enabled user.accountExpired=Expired user.accountLocked=Locked user.credentialsExpired=Password Expired # -- user list page -- userList.title=User List userList.heading=Users userList.nousers=No users found. # -- user self-registration -- signup.title=Sign Up signup.heading=New User Registration signup.message=Please enter your user information in the form below. signup.email.subject=AppFuse Account Information signup.email.message=You have successfully registered for access to AppFuse. Your username and password information is below. # -- active users page -- activeUsers.title=Active Users activeUsers.heading=Active Users activeUsers.message=The following is a list of users that have logged in and their sessions have not expired. activeUsers.fullName=Full Name # JSF-only messages, remove if not using JSF javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=This is a required field. activeUsers.summary={0} User(s) found, displaying {1} user(s), from {2} to {3}. Page {4} / {5} map.title=Map map.heading=Map # -- BioDatasource-START # -- bioDatasource Form page -- bioDatasource.added=BioDatasource has been added successfully bioDatasource.notAdded=BioDatasource has not been added bioDatasource.updated=BioDatasource has been updated successfully bioDatasource.notUpdated=BioDatasource has not been updated # -- BioDatasourceAction -- scheduleOperation.error=Operation '{0}' could not be scheduled for BioDatasource '{1}' scheduleOperation.error.noBiodatasource=Operation '{0}' could not be scheduled # -- delete action -- bioDatasource.delete=BioDatasource has been deleted successfully bioDatasource.delete.multiple=BioDatasources have been deleted successfully bioDatasource.error.delete=BioDatasource {0} could not be deleted # -- undelete action -- bioDatasource.undelete=BioDatasource has been un-deleted successfully bioDatasource.undelete.multiple=BioDatasources have been un-deleted successfully bioDatasource.error.undelete=BioDatasource {0} could not be un-deleted # -- clean action -- bioDatasource.clean=BioDatasource has been backed-up successfully bioDatasource.clean.multiple=All BioDatasources have been backed-up successfully bioDatasource.error.clean=BioDatasource {0} could not be backed-up: please check to see if its directory exists # -- JobAction -- kill.error.job=A problem occurred while killing the Job with ID #{0} kill.error=An Exception occurred while killing the thread #{0} kill.error.null=The thread that you tried to kill was null ##-- RegsitryAction -- #registryAction.synchroniseWithRegistry=Synchronising with Registry #registryAction.synchroniseWithRegistry.filter.nodeKey=Synchronising with Registry, filtered by: nodeKey={0} #registryAction.synchroniseWithRegistry.filter.providerName=Synchronising with Registry, filtered by: organisation name={0} #registryAction.synchroniseWithRegistry.filter.nodeKeyAndProviderName=Synchronising with Registry, filtered by both: nodeKey={0} and organisation name={1} # -- Job-START job.id=Id job.name=Name job.description=Description job.jobGroup=Job Group job.runningGroup=Running Group job.jobClassName=Job Class Name job.dataAsJSON=Data As JSON job.created=Created job.nextFireTime=Next Fire Time job.started=Started job.instanceId=Instance Id job.added=Job has been added successfully. job.updated=Job has been updated successfully. job.deleted=Job has been deleted successfully. # -- LogEvent-START logEvent.id=Id logEvent.message=Message logEvent.timestamp=Timestamp logEvent.groupId=Group Id logEvent.level=Level logEvent.instanceId=Instance Id logEvent.bioDatasource=Bio Datasource logEvent.user=User logEvent.infoAsJSON=Info As J S O N logEvent.messageParams=Message Params logEvent.added=LogEvent has been added successfully. logEvent.updated=LogEvent has been updated successfully. logEvent.deleted=LogEvent has been deleted successfully. # -- messages common across several classes -- error.mappingFileExists=Mapping file resource {0} does not exist error.mappingFile=A problem occurred while reading over mapping file {0}: {1} #-- createBioDatasource method messages -- createBioDatasource=Saving new BioDatasource: {0} createBioDatasource.exists=Updating BioDatasource with name: {0} updateCount=The target count has been updated to: {0} defaultCount=The target count has been defaulted to: {0} setCount=The target count has been set to: {0} #-- createBioDatasource method method messages -- error.createBioDatasource=An error occurred while creating new BioDatasource: {0} #-- issueMetadata method messages -- start.issueMetadata=Start metadata update {0} end.issueMetadata=Finished metadata update {0} #-- updateCount method messages -- start.updateCount=Start updating count information end.updateCount=Finished updating count information start.updateMetadata=Start updating other metadata end.updateMetadata=Finished updating other metadata #-- metadataRequest method messages -- start.metadataRequest=Start metadata request end.metadataRequest=Finished metadata request start.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for metadata request end.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for metadata request #-- metadataRequest method error messages -- error.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for metadata request: {0} error.metadataRequest.buildUrl=Metadata request could not be constructed: {0} error.metadataRequest.writeRequest=Metadata request file could not be written: {0} error.metadataRequest.writeResponse=Metadata response file could not be written: {0} error.metadataRequest.parsing=Metadata response could not be parsed: {0} #-- processMetadata method messages -- start.processMetadata=Start processing resource metadata end.processMetadata=Finished processing resource metadata start.processMetadataForContacts=Start processing resource contact metadata end.processMetadataForContacts=Finished processing resource contact metadata #-- processMetatdata error messages -- error.processMetadata.mapping=Getting metadata mapping file failed: {0} error.processMetadata.fileNotFound=Metadata file could not be found: {0} error.processMetadata.parsing=Metadata file could not be parsed for element {0}: {1} #-- processOtherMetadata error messages -- error.processOtherMetadata.fileNotFound=(Other) Metadata file could not be found: {0} error.processOtherMetadata.parsing=(Other) Metadata file could not be parsed: {0} error.createBWs=An error occurred while opening file(s) for writing: {0} error.writeHeaders=An error occurred while trying to write header line on file: {0} error.closeBWs=An error occurred while trying to close file(s): {0} error.populateElementOfInterestsMapsFromMappingFile=An error occurred loading mapping file {0}: {1} error.issueMetadata.noName=The resource name (code) was null, therefore a new BioDatasource was NOT created. error.issueMetadata.invalidSchemaLocation=The schemaLocation ({0}) was not valid, therefore a new BioDatasource was NOT created. error.gettingCount=The target count for {0} could not be updated writeOutputFile=Writing to file: {0} # -- common messages across all protocols -- inventory=Inventory #processInventoried=Process inventoried units harvest=Harvest processHarvested=Process harvested records harvestAssociatedUnits=Harvest associated units processAssociatedUnits=Process associated units harvestSiblingUnits=Harvest sibling units processSiblingUnits=Process sibling units harvestExtraUnits=Harvest the list of extra units processExtraUnits=Process the extra units # -- common search method messages -- start.search=Start harvest end.search=Finished harvest # -- common processInventoried method messages -- unitidRanges.written=UnitID ranges file has been written: {0} start.processInventoried=Start process inventoried end.processInventoried=Finished process inventoried start.processInventoried.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for process inventoried end.processInventoried.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for process inventoried processInventoried.namesPerRange=The maximum size of name ranges has been set to {0} # -- common processInventoried error method messages -- error.processInventoried.unitidRanges.encoding=UnitID ranges file could not be written because one of the names couldn't be UTF-8 encoded: {0} error.processInventoried.unitidRanges=UnitID ranges file could not be written: {0} error.processInventoried.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for process inventoried: {0} error.processInventoried.outputFile=Error reading inventoried records file: {0} error.processInventoried.default=Defaulting to name ranges of size = {0} -- common processHarvested error method messages -- error.processHarvested.parsing=Harvested XML response file ( {0} ) could not be parsed: {1} error.processHarvested.ioexception={0} could not be processed: {1} # -- end messages common across several classes -- # -- DwcArchiveMetadataHandler/Factory -- dwcArchiveMetadata.name=DwC-Archive Metadata Factory (DwC Text Format) dwcArchiveMetadata.url=URL dwcArchiveMetadata.outputDirectory=Output directory dwcArchiveMetadata.metadata=Metadata update # -- download method messages -- dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.start=Start download {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.remove=Removing previously existing directory: {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.singleText=Downloading single text file without meta.xml: {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.singleMeta=Downloading single meta.xml file: {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.singleArchive=Downloading single archive file: {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.decompress=Decompressing DwC archive: {0} dwcarchivemetadatahandler.download.end=Finished download # -- general error messages -- error.openArchive=Problem opening archive: {0} # -- getCoreRecordCount method error messages -- dwcarchivemetadatahandler.error.getCoreRecordCount=An error occurred while trying to get the archive core file's record count: {0} # -- issueMetadata method messages -- dwcarchivemetadatahandler.issueMetadata.eml=The eml file could not be found in the downloaded archive. 2nd attempt: trying to download it separately from: {0} # -- issueMetadata method messages -- dwcarchivemetadatahandler.error.unsupportedArchive=The specified archive has an unsupported format: {0} error.writeOutputFile=An error occurred while writing to contact file ({0}): {1} # -- DigirMetadataHandler/Factory -- digirMetadata.name=DiGIR Metadata Factory (DwC 1.0, 1.4, 1.4GE, & 1.4CE) digirMetadata.url=URL digirMetadata.outputDirectory=Output directory digirMetadata.metadata=Metadata update #-- issueMetadata method error messages -- digirmetadatahandler.error.issueMetadata.iterator=Line iterator over name resources file could not be created: {0} #-- getMappingFile method error messages -- digirmetadatahandler.error.getMappingFile=Getting mapping file failed: {0} digirmetadatahandler.default.getMappingFile=Using default mapping file: {0} digirmetadatahandler.default.conceptualMappingNotFound=For resource={0}: the schema location {1} was not found in the DiGIR conceptualMapping.properties file - please update this file and try again. Defaulting to schema DwC 1.0 digirmetadatahandler.default.protocolMappingNotFound=The schema location {0} was not found in the DiGIR protocolMapping.properties file - please update this file and try again. Defaulting to protocol DiGIR 1.0 #-- getProtocol method error messages -- digirmetadatahandler.error.getProtocol=Getting protocol name failed: {0} digirmetadatahandler.default.getProtocol=Using default protocol name: {0} #-- collectResources method messages -- digirmetadatahandler.start.collectResources=Start collecting resources digirmetadatahandler.end.collectResources=Finished collecting resources #-- collectResources method error messages -- digirmetadatahandler.error.collectResources.outputFile=Error reading resources file: {0} #-- processAllMetadata method messages -- start.processAllMetadata=Start collecting resource metadata (including resource contact metadata) end.processAllMetadata=Finished collecting resource metadata digirmetadatahandler.start.processAllMetadata.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for writing resource/resource contact metadata output files digirmetadatahandler.end.processAllMetadata.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for writing resource/resource contact metadata output files #-- processAllMetadata method error messages -- digirmetadatahandler.error.processAllMetadata.prepareDirectory=An error occurred while preparing directory for writing resource/resource contact metadata output files digirmetadatahandler.error.processAllMetadata.createFiles=An error occurred while trying to create resource/resource contact metadata output files # -- TapirMetadataHandler/Factory -- tapirMetadata.name=TAPIR Metadata Factory (DwC 1.4 or ABCD 1.2 & 2.06) tapirMetadata.url=URL tapirMetadata.outputDirectory=Output directory tapirMetadata.metadata=Metadata update #-- updateCount method error messages -- tapirmetadatahandler.error.updateMetadata.metadataRequest=The other metadata for {0} could not be updated tapirmetadatahandler.error.updateMetadata.dataResourceName=The dataResourceName could not be determined - defaulting to {0} for dataResourceName and dataResourceDisplayName #-- getCount method messages -- tapirmetadatahandler.start.getCount=Start request for count information tapirmetadatahandler.end.getCount=Finished request for count information tapirmetadatahandler.getCount.execute=Executing search request (for getting count information) #-- getCount method error messages -- tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCount.fileNotFound=Search file could not be found: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCount.parsing=Search file could not be parsed: {0} #-- getCapabilities method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.getCapabilities=Start capabilities request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getCapabilities=Finished capabilities request tapirmetadatahandler.start.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for capabilities request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for capabilities request tapirmetadatahandler.getCapabilities.execute=Executing capabilities request #-- getCapabilities method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for capabilities request: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.buildUrl=Capabilities request could not be constructed: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.writeRequest=Capabilities request file could not be written: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.writeResponse=Capabilities response file could not be written: {0} #-- getNamespace method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.getNamespace=Start getting namespace request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getNamespace=Finished getting namespace request tapirmetadatahandler.getNamespace.chooseNamespace=The namespace retrieved is: {0} #-- getNamespace method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getNamespace.fileNotFound=Capabilities file could not be found: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getNamespace.parsing=Capabilities file could not be parsed: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.getNamespace.chooseNamespace=Using default content namespace: {0} #-- getDatasetTitles method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.getDatasetTitles=Start getting dataset titles tapirmetadatahandler.end.getDatasetTitles=Finished getting dataset titles #-- getDatasetTitles method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getDatasetTitles.fileNotFound=Inventory file could not be found: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getDatasetTitles.parsing=Inventory file could not be parsed: {0} #-- getMappingFile method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getMappingFile=Error retrieving mapping file: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.getMappingFile=Using default mapping file: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.conceptualMappingNotFound=None of the namespace(s) {0} was not found in the TAPIR conceptualMapping.properties file - please update this file and try again. Defaulting to namespace http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/ digirmetadatahandler.default.outputModelMappingNotFound=No output model corresponding to namespace {0} was not found in the TAPIR outputModelMapping.properties file - please update this file and try again. Defaulting to outputModel http://rs.tdwg.org/tapir/cs/dwc/1.4/model/dw_core_geo_cur.xml #-- getOutputModel method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getOutputModel=Error retrieving outputModel mapping file: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.getOutputModel=Using default outputModel: {0} #-- getDatasetTitlePath method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getDatasetTitlePath=Error retrieving dataset title path: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.getDatasetTitlePath=Using default dataset title path: {0} #-- retrieveTitleSupportInformation method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Start getting information about whether dataset title is supported tapirmetadatahandler.end.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Finished getting information about whether dataset title is supported #-- retrieveTitleSupportInformation method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.retrieveTitleSupportInformation.fileNotFound=Capabilities file could not be found: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.retrieveTitleSupportInformation.parsing=Capabilities file could not be parsed: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.default.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Defaulting to dataset-title NOT being searchable #-- getInventory method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.getInventory=Start inventory request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getInventory=Finished inventory request tapirmetadatahandler.start.getInventory.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for inventory request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getInventory.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for inventory request tapirmetadatahandler.getInventory.execute=Executing inventory request #-- getInventory method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getInventory.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for inventory request: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getInventory.buildUrl=Inventory request could not be constructed: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getInventory.writeRequest=Inventory request file could not be written: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getInventory.writeResponse=Inventory response file could not be written: {0} #-- getSearch method messages tapirmetadatahandler.start.getSearch=Start search request (for count information) tapirmetadatahandler.end.getSearch=Finished search request (for count information) tapirmetadatahandler.start.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for search request tapirmetadatahandler.end.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for search request tapirmetadatahandler.getSearch.execute=Executing search request #-- getSearch method error messages tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for getting count: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSearch.buildUrl=Search request could not be constructed: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSearch.writeRequest=Search request file could not be written: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSearch.writeResponse=Search response file could not be written: {0} #-- getSettings method messages-- tapirmetadatahandler.start.getSettings=Start collecting settings information tapirmetadatahandler.end.getSettings=Finished collecting settings information #-- getSettings method error messages-- tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSettings.fileNotFound=Capabilities file could not be found: {0} tapirmetadatahandler.error.getSettings.parsing=Capabilities file could not be parsed: {0} #-- processMetadataForContacts method messages -- tapirmetadatahandler.start.processMetadataForContacts.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for writing resource/resource contact metadata output files tapirmetadatahandler.end.processMetadataForContacts.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for writing resource/resource contact metadata output files #-- processMetadataForContacts method error messages -- tapirmetadatahandler.error.processMetadataForContacts.prepareDirectory=An error occurred while preparing directory for writing resource contact metadata output files tapirmetadatahandler.error.processMetadataForContacts.createFiles=An error occurred while trying to create resource contact metadata output files #-- parseNameFromUrl method error messages -- error.resourceName=There was an error parsing the resource code from the url {0} (code=url's filename). Defaulting to: {1} # -- BiocaseMetadataHandler/Factory -- biocaseMetadata.name=BioCASe Metadata Factory (ABCD 1.2 or 2.06) biocaseMetadata.url=URL biocaseMetadata.outputDirectory=Output directory biocaseMetadata.metadata=Metadata update #-- issueMetadata method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.issueMetadata.parsing=Scan file could not be parsed: {0} #-- getCapabilities method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.getCapabilities=Start capabilities request biocasemetadatahandler.end.getCapabilities=Finished capabilities request biocasemetadatahandler.start.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for capabilities biocasemetadatahandler.end.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for capabilities biocasemetadatahandler.getCapabilities.execute=Executing capabilities request #-- getCapabilities method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for capabilities: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.buildUrl=Capabilities request could not be constructed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.writeRequest=Capabilities request file could not be written: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCapabilities.writeResponse=Capabilities response file could not be written: {0} #-- getNamespace method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.getNamespace=Start retrieval of namespace biocasemetadatahandler.end.getNamespace=Finished retrieval of namespace biocasemetadatahandler.getNamespace.chooseNamespace=The namespace retrieved is: {0} #-- getNamespace method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getNamespace.fileNotFound=Capabilities file could not be found: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getNamespace.parsing=Capabilities file could not be parsed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.default.getNamespace=Using default content namespace: {0} #-- getDatasetTitlePath method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getDatasetTitlePath=Getting path to dataset title concept failed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.default.getDatasetTitlePath=Using default dataset title path: {0} #-- getMappingFile method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getMappingFile=Getting mapping file failed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.default.getMappingFile=Using default mapping file: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.default.conceptualMappingNotFound=The namespace {0} was not found in the BioCASE conceptualMapping.properties file - please update this file and try again. Defaulting to namespace http://www.tdwg.org/schemas/abcd/2.06 #-- retrieveTitleSupportInformation method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Start gathering information about whether dataset-title is a searchable concept biocasemetadatahandler.end.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Finished gathering information about whether dataset-title is a searchable concept #-- retrieveTitleSupportInformation error method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.retrieveTitleSupportInformation.fileNotFound=Capabilities file could not be found: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.retrieveTitleSupportInformation.parsing=Capabilities file could not be parsed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.default.retrieveTitleSupportInformation=Defaulting to dataset-title NOT being searchable biocasemetadatahandler.error.datasetTitle=The dataset title is not searchable, therefore in the event that this dataset is composed of several datasets, it will not be possible to harvest individual datasets one at a time. #-- getScan method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.getScan=Start scan request biocasemetadatahandler.end.getScan=Finished scan request {0} biocasemetadatahandler.start.getScan.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for scan biocasemetadatahandler.end.getScan.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for scan biocasemetadatahandler.getScan.execute=Executing scan request #-- getScan method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getScan.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for scan: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getScan.buildUrl=Scan request could not be constructed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getScan.writeRequest=Scan request file could not be written: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getScan.writeResponse=Scan response file could not be written: {0} #-- getSearch method messages biocasemetadatahandler.start.getSearch=Start search request (for count information) biocasemetadatahandler.end.getSearch=Finished search request (for count information) biocasemetadatahandler.start.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for search request biocasemetadatahandler.end.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for search request biocasemetadatahandler.getSearch.execute=Executing search request #-- getSearch method error messages biocasemetadatahandler.error.getSearch.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for search request: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getSearch.buildUrl=Search request could not be constructed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getSearch.writeRequest=Search request file could not be written: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getSearch.writeResponse=Search response file could not be written: {0} #-- getCount method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.getCount=Start request for count information biocasemetadatahandler.end.getCount=Finished request for count information biocasemetadatahandler.getCount.execute=Executing search request (for getting count information) #-- getCount method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCount.fileNotFound=Search file could not be found: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.getCount.parsing=Search file could not be parsed: {0} #-- metadataRequest method messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.start.metadataRequest=Start empty search request to gather name (+other metadata) biocasemetadatahandler.end.metadataRequest=Finished empty search request to gather name (+other metadata) biocasemetadatahandler.start.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for empty search request biocasemetadatahandler.end.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for empty search request #-- metadataRequest method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.metadataRequest.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for empty search request: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.metadataRequest.buildUrl=Empty search request could not be constructed: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.error.metadataRequest.writeRequest=Empty search request file could not be written: {0} biocasemetadatahandler.metadataRequest.execute=Executing empty search request (for getting count information) biocasemetadatahandler.error.metadataRequest.writeResponse=Empty search response file could not be written: {0} #-- updateOtherMetadata method error messages -- biocasemetadatahandler.error.updateOtherMetadata.dataResourceDisplayName=The dataResourceDisplayName could not be determined biocasemetadatahandler.error.updateOtherMetadata.dataResourceName=The dataResourceName could not be determined conceptPath.error=Error retrieving concept path (used in constructing filter for request used in retrieving the title name), defaulting to: {0} # GBIFRegistrySynchronise gbifRegistrySynchronise.start=Start synchronisation with registry gbifRegistrySynchronise.end=Finished synchronisation with registry gbifRegistrySynchronise.createBioDatasource.exists=BioDatasource exits for name: {0} and uuid: {1} - information updated. gbifRegistrySynchronise.error.createBioDatasource.exists=BioDatasource for name: {0} and uuid: {1} - information could NOT be updated because no harvesterFactory could be set. gbifRegistrySynchronise.error.determineHarvesterFactory=No harvester factory exists for service type (protocol) {0} gbifRegistrySynchronise.skip=Provider {0} will be skipped, as it has not been endorsed yet gbifRegistrySynchronise.stopped=Synchronisation with the registry has been manually stopped # WorkerPool messages workerPool.error.gbifLogMessage.create=Problem creating GBIF 'Harvesting' Log Message File: {0} workerPool.error.gbifLogMessage=Couldn't open GBIF 'Harvesting' Log Message file: {0} workerPool.error.gbifLogMessage.close=Could not close buffered writer on GBIF 'Harvesting' Log Message file: {0} workerPool.error.newCount=Attempt to set new counts failed: {0} workerPool.newMaxHarvestedCount=New maxHarvestedCount has been set # ReportAction messages reportAction.hit=Opened connnection to HIT database reportAction.portal=Opened connnection to Portal database reportAction.clean=Previous indexing report file has been deleted reportAction.create=Finished creating indexing report file: {0} reportAction.start=Starting generation of indexing report # ReportAction error messages reportAction.error.sql=A problem occurred with the connection to the database(s) while trying to generate the indexing report: {0} reportAction.error=A problem occurred while trying to generate the indexing report: {0} ################################################## # Harvester-digir ################################################## # -- general messages -- digirharvester.name=DiGIR (DwC 1.2) digirharvester.url=URL digirharvester.outputDirectory=Output directory digirharvestr.createDirectory=Creating new directory: {0} # -- inventory method messages -- digirharvester.start.inventory=Start inventory digirharvester.end.inventory=Finished inventory digirharvester.start.inventory.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for inventory digirharvester.end.inventory.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for inventory digirharvester.inventory.execute=Executing inventory request digirharvester.inventory.paging=Not all inventory records could be returned: firing new request using lower name set to: {0} digirharvester.inventory.recordsPerResponse=Inventory response size set to {0} records. # -- inventory method error messages -- digirharvester.error.inventory.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for inventory: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.buildUrl=Inventory request could not be constructed: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.writeRequest=Inventory request file could not be written: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.execute=Inventory request could not be executed: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.writeResponse=Inventory response file could not be written: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.fileNotFound=Inventory response file could not be found: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.parsing=Inventory response file could not be parsed: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.closeFis=File input stream of inventory file could not be closed: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.nullName=Name needed for next inventory request was null: {0} digirharvester.error.inventory.mapping=Problem loading request namespace mapping file: {0} digirharvester.inventory.incrementor=Requesting next {0} records, starting at: {1} digirharvester.error.inventory.default=Inventory response size defaulting to {0} records. digirharvester.error.inventory.recordsPerResponse=Error interpreting parameter recordsPerResponse {0} taken from Metadata response: Integer value expected. # -- processInventoried error method messages -- digirharvester.error.processInventoried.namesPerRange=Error converting maxSearchResponseRecords ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider digirharvester.error.processInventoried.minNameLength=Error converting minQueryTermLength ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider # -- harvest method messages -- digirharvester.start.search.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for search digirharvester.end.search.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for search digirharvester.start.search.range=Start harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] digirharvester.success.search.range=Success harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] digirharvester.search.execute=Executing search request digirharvester.search.requestNamespace=The request content namespace that will be used is: {0} digirharvester.search.maxResponseSize=The maximum number of search records returned in a single response has been set to {0} digirharvester.search.fractioned=RETRY harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] for next {2} records starting at: {3} # -- harvest method error messages -- digirharvester.error.search.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for search: {0} digirharvester.error.search.range=Error harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] digirharvester.error.search.iterator=Line iterator over name ranges file could not be created: {0} digirharvester.error.search.append=Appending failed name ranges to pending name ranges failed: {0} digirharvester.error.search.writeFailed=Writing failed name range to failed name ranges file failed: {0} digirharvester.error.search.skipRange=Skipping range: [ {0} - {1} ] digirharvester.error.search.overwrite=Name ranges file could not be overwritten with failed name ranges file: {0} digirharvester.error.search.reverse=Name ranges file could not be reverse engineered: {0} digirharvester.error.search.buildUrl=Search request could not be constructed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.writeRequest=Search request file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.execute=Search request could not be executed for range [ {0} - {1} ] : {2} digirharvester.error.search.writeResponse=Search response file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.writePending=Pending range file could not be written: {0} digirharvester.error.search.fileNotFound=Search response file could not found for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.parsing=Search response file could not be parsed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.closeFis=File input stream of response file could not be closed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} digirharvester.error.search.mapping=Problem loading request namespace mapping file: {0} digirharvester.error.search.maxResponseSize=Error reading maxResponseSize ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider digirharvester.error.search.maxResponseSize.default=Defaulting maximum number of search records returned in a single response {0} digirharvester.error.search.fractioned=The RETRY FAILED while harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] for next {2} records starting at: {3}: {4} # -- processHarvested method messages -- digirharvester.processHarvested=Process harvested records digirharvester.harvestSiblingUnits=Harvest sibling units digirharvester.processSiblingUnits=Process sibling units digirharvester.start.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for process harvested digirharvester.end.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for process harvested digirharvester.start.processHarvested=Start process harvested digirharvester.end.processHarvested=Finished process harvested digirharvester.processHarvested.write=Header line of harvested tab file has been written successfully # -- processHarvested method error messages -- digirharvester.error.processHarvested=Harvested records could not be processed: {0} digirharvester.error.processHarvested.createFis=File writer to harvested file could not be created digirharvester.error.processHarvested.writeError=Header line of harvested tab file could not be written digirharvester.error.processHarvested.closeFis=File input stream of harvested tab file could not be closed digirharvester.error.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for process harvested: {0} digirharvester.error.processHarvested.mapping=Problem loading index mapping file: {0} digirharvester.error.processHarvested.outputFile=Error reading harvested records file: {0} digirharvester.error.closeBW=Could not close buffered writer for file {0}: {1} digirharvester.error.openBW=Could not open buffered writer for file {0}: {1} # -- helper method messages -- digirharvester.error.mappingFileExists=Mapping file resource {0} does not exist ################################################## # Harvester-biocase ################################################## biocaseharvester.name=BioCASe (ABCD 2.06) biocaseharvester.url=URL biocaseharvester.namesPerRange=Names per range for harvesting biocaseharvester.outputDirectory=Output directory # -- inventory method messages -- biocaseharvester.inventory=Inventory biocaseharvester.start.inventory=<<< Starting inventory for dataset {0} biocaseharvester.end.inventory=>>> Inventory finished biocaseharvester.start.inventory.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for inventory biocaseharvester.end.inventory.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for inventory biocaseharvester.inventory.execute=Executing inventory request biocaseharvester.inventory.paging=Not all inventory records could be returned: firing new request using start index set to: {0} # -- inventory method error messages -- biocaseharvester.error.inventory.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for inventory: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.buildUrl=Inventory request could not be constructed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.writeRequest=Inventory request file could not be written: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.writeResponse=Inventory response file could not be written: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.fileNotFound=Inventory response file could not be found: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.parsing=Inventory response file could not be parsed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.closeFis=File input stream of inventory file could not be closed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.nullName=Name needed for next inventory request was null: {0} biocaseharvester.error.inventory.mapping=Problem loading request namespace mapping file: {0} # -- harvest method messages -- biocaseharvester.start.search=<<< Starting harvest of BioCASe web service biocaseharvester.end.search=>>> BioCASe harvest finished biocaseharvester.start.search.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for search biocaseharvester.end.search.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for search biocaseharvester.start.search.range=Harvesting range {0} biocaseharvester.success.search.range=Success harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] biocaseharvester.search.execute=Executing search request biocaseharvester.search.requestNamespace=The request content namespace that will be used is: {0} biocaseharvester.search.paging=Not all search records could be returned: firing new request using start index set to: {0} biocaseharvester.search.getids=Getting list of units to harvest # -- harvest method error messages -- biocaseharvester.error.search.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for search: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.range=Error harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] biocaseharvester.error.search.iterator=Line iterator over name ranges file could not be created: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.append=Appending failed name ranges to pending name ranges failed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.writeFailed=Writing failed name range to failed name ranges file failed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.skipRange=Skipping range: [ {0} - {1} ] biocaseharvester.error.search.overwrite=Name ranges file could not be overwritten with failed name ranges file: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.reverse=Name ranges file could not be reverse engineered: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.buildUrl=Search request could not be constructed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.writeRequest=Search request file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.writeResponse=Search response file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.writePending=Pending range file could not be written: {0} biocaseharvester.error.search.fileNotFound=Search response file could not found for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.parsing.range=Search response file could not be parsed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.closeFis=File input stream of response file could not be closed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} biocaseharvester.error.search.mapping=Problem loading request namespace mapping file: {0} # -- processHarvested method messages -- biocaseharvester.start.processHarvested=<<< Starting XML processing biocaseharvester.harvestSiblingUnits=Harvest sibling units biocaseharvester.processSiblingUnits=Process sibling units biocaseharvester.end.processHarvested=>>> XML processing finished biocaseharvester.start.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for process harvested biocaseharvester.end.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for process harvested biocaseharvester.processHarvested.write=Header line of harvested tab file has been written successfully biocaseharvester.processHarvested.alert=Processing harvested records in directory: {0} # -- processHarvested method error messages -- biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested=Harvested records could not be processed: {0} biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.createFis=File writers to harvested files could not be created biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.writeError=Header line of harvested tab file could not be written biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.closeFis=File input stream of harvested tab file could not be closed biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for process harvested: {0} biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.mapping=Problem reading index mapping file: {0} biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.createFiles=Not all harvested record output files could be created biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.writeHeaders=Not all column header lines could be written to the record output files biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.setXPath=Problem setting XPaths biocaseharvester.error.processHarvested.outputFile=Error reading harvested records file: {0} biocaseharvester.error.closeBW=Could not close buffered writer for file {0}: {1} biocaseharvester.error.openBW=Could not open buffered writer for file {0}: {1} # -- helper method messages -- biocaseharvester.error.mappingFileExists=Mapping file resource {0} does not exist biocaseharvester.error.mappingFile=A problem occurred while reading over mapping file {0}: {1} biocaseharvester.error.populateElementOfInterestsMapsFromMappingFile=A problem occurred while analysing elements of interest from mapping file {0}: {1} ################################################## # Harvester-tapir ################################################## # -- general messages -- tapirharvester.name=TAPIR (DwC 1.4 with geo + cur extensions) tapirharvester.url=URL tapirharvester.outputDirectory=Output directory # -- inventory method messages -- tapirharvester.inventory=Inventory tapirharvester.start.inventory=Start inventory tapirharvester.end.inventory=Finished inventory tapirharvester.start.inventory.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for inventory tapirharvester.end.inventory.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for inventory tapirharvester.inventory.paging=Not all inventory records could be returned: firing new request using lower name set to: {0} # -- inventory method error messages -- tapirharvester.error.inventory.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for inventory: {0} tapirharvester.error.inventory.paging=Paging inventory request(s) failed: {0} # -- TAPIR processInventoried error method messages -- tapirharvester.error.processInventoried.namesPerRange=Error converting maxResponseSize ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider tapirharvester.error.processInventoried.minNameLength=Error converting minQueryTermLength ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider # -- harvest method messages -- tapirharvester.start.search.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for search tapirharvester.end.search.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for search tapirharvester.start.search.range=Start harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] tapirharvester.success.search.range=Success harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] tapirharvester.search.requestNamespace=The request content namespace that will be used is: {0} tapirharvester.search.paging=Not all search records could be returned: firing new request using start index set to: {0} tapirharvester.search.maxResponseSize=The maximum number of search records returned in a single response has been set to {0} tapirharvester.search.fractioned=RETRY harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] for next {2} records by setting [&start={3}] in the URL # -- harvest method error messages -- tapirharvester.error.search.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for search: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.range=Error harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] tapirharvester.error.search.iterator=Line iterator over name ranges file could not be created: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.append=Appending failed name ranges to pending name ranges failed: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.writeFailed=Writing failed name range to failed name ranges file failed: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.skipRange=Skipping range: [ {0} - {1} ] tapirharvester.error.search.overwrite=Name ranges file could not be overwritten with failed name ranges file: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.reverse=Name ranges file could not be reverse engineered: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.buildUrl=Search request could not be constructed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.writeRequest=Search request file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.writeResponse=Search response file could not be written for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.writePending=Pending range file could not be written: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.fileNotFound=Search response file could not found for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.closeFis=File input stream of response file could not be closed for range [ {0} - {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.mapping=Problem loading request namespace mapping file: {0} tapirharvester.error.search.encode=Problem encoding the names of name range [ {0} & {1} ]: {2} tapirharvester.error.search.maxResponseSize=Error reading maxSearchResponseRecords ( {0} ), please check that it has been set properly by the provider tapirharvester.error.search.maxResponseSize.default=Defaulting maximum number of search records returned in a single response {0} tapirharvester.error.search.fractioned=The RETRY FAILED while harvesting range [ {0} - {1} ] for next {2} records with [&start={3}] in the URL: {4} # -- processHarvested method messages -- tapirharvester.processHarvested=Process harvested records tapirharvester.harvestSiblingUnits=Harvest sibling units tapirharvester.processSiblingUnits=Process sibling units tapirharvester.start.processHarvested=Start process harvested tapirharvester.end.processHarvested=Finished process harvested tapirharvester.start.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for process harvested tapirharvester.end.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for process harvested tapirharvester.processHarvested.write=Header line of harvested tab file has been written successfully # -- processHarvested method error messages -- tapirharvester.error.processHarvested=Harvested records could not be processed: {0} tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.createFis=File writers to harvested files could not be created tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.writeError=Header line of harvested tab file could not be written tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.closeFis=File input stream of harvested tab file could not be closed tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for process harvested: {0} tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.mapping=Problem reading index mapping file: {0} tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.createFiles=Not all harvested record output files could be created tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.writeHeaders=Not all column header lines could be written to the record output files tapirharvester.error.processHarvested.setXPath=Problem setting XPaths # -- helper method messages -- tapirharvester.error.createNameRanges=Encountered an invalid line in inventory: Please see line {0} of: {1} tapirharvester.error.setValues=A problem occurred while reading mapping file {0}: {1} tapirharvester.error.mappingFileExists=Mapping file resource {0} does not exist tapirharvester.error.populateElementOfInterestsMapsFromMappingFile=A problem occurred while analysing elements of interest from mapping file {0}: {1} ################################################## # Harvester-dwcarchive ################################################## dwcarchive.name=DwC Archive (compressed archive,single data text or meta.xml file) dwcarchive.url=URL dwcarchive.outputDirectory=Output directory dwcarchive.download=Download dwcarchive.processHarvested=Process harvested records dwcarchive.harvestSiblingUnits=Harvest sibling units dwcarchive.processSiblingUnits=Process sibling units dwcarchive.numCoreTerms=Number of core terms: {0} dwcarchive.numConstantCoreTerms=Number of core terms that represent constants: {0} # -- download method messages -- dwcarchive.download.start=<<< Starting download {0} dwcarchive.download.remove=Removing previously existing directory {0} dwcarchive.download.singleText=Downloading single text file without meta.xml {0} dwcarchive.download.singleMeta=Downloading single meta.xml file {0} dwcarchive.download.singleArchive=Downloading single archive file {0} dwcarchive.download.decompress=Decompressing DwC archive {0} dwcarchive.download.end=>>> Download finished # -- download method error messages -- dwcarchive.error.download=An error occurred during the download: {0} # -- processHarvested method messages -- dwcarchive.start.processHarvested=<<< Starting DwC archive processing dwcarchive.end.processHarvested=>>> DwC archive processing finished dwcarchive.processHarvested.openArchive=Opening archive: {0} dwcarchive.start.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Start preparing directory for process harvested dwcarchive.end.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Finished preparing directory for process harvested dwcarchive.end.processHarvested.writeOutputFile=Writing to file: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.write=Header line of harvested tab file has been written successfully dwcarchive.processHarvested.coreFiles=Core file(s) found: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.coreRowType=Core row type: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.coreIdColumn=Core identifier column: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.validate=Found valid concept term: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.termIndex=Core file has term (of interest) {0} at index: {1} dwcarchive.processHarvested.termConstant=Core file has constant term (of interest) {0} with value: {1} dwcarchive.processHarvested.operating=Operating on the core file: {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.terminatorType=Core file has terminator of type {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.fileType=Core file is of type {0} dwcarchive.processHarvested.remoteFile=A remote TEXT file has been described and will be retrieved from: {0} # -- processHarvested method error messages -- dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.directory=Cannot find archive directory: {0} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.openArchive=Problem opening archive: {0} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.unsupportedArchive=The specified archive has an unsupported format: {0} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.core=Cannot locate the core data file dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.indexMapping=Couldn't finish reading core data file's indexMapping file ({0}): dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.validate=Concept term {0} couldn't be validated against the list of DwC/GBIF/IUCN/IPT terms dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.output=Output file {0} could not be created because directory {1} does not exist dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.prepareDirectory=Error preparing directory for processHarvested: {0} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.createOutputFile=Error creating output file ({0}): {1} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.badRow=A bad row was encountered on line {0}: {1} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.outOfBounds=Index out of bounds error on line {0}. Does the file ({1}) contain the same number of indices specified in the meta file? dwcarchive.error.processHarvested=Harvested records could not be processed: {0} dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.noIndex=Index {0} does not exist dwcarchive.error.processHarvested.checkIndex=Please check to see whether index: {0} exists dwcarchive.error.mappingFileExists=Mapping file resource {0} does not exist #abcdarchive abcdarchive.harvest=Harvesting ABCD archive abcdarchive.processHarvested=Processing ABCD archive abcdarchive.download=Downloading ABCD archive abcdarchive.download.start=<<< Starting download of ABCD archive abcdarchive.download.end=>>> ABCD archive downloaded abcdarchive.download.remove=Deleting the ABCD archive abcdarchive.download.singleArchive=Downloading single archive file {0} abcdarchive.download.decompress=Unpacking archive file and calculating check sums abcdarchive.download.checksum=Calculating checksum {0} abcdarchive.download.singleText=Downloading text file {0} abcdarchive.error.download=An error occurred during the download {0} abcdarchive.processHarvested.start=<<< Starting XML processing abcdarchive.processHarvested.end=>>> XML processing finished