addSenderIP(String) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Method to add a senderIP element to the header of the protocol.


callBack - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
callBack - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
callBackHandler(int, Response) - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest
Method to handle callbacks from threads is used to return results from threads to this object.
callThreads() - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest
Start a PosterThread for every provider in the ProviderList.
cgiScriptPath - Variable in class unitloader.Response
cgiScriptPath - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
cgiScriptPath - Variable in class unitloader.Provider
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Comp - class unitloader.Comp.
Title: the Comp class representing comparison operations.
Comp(String, String) - Constructor for class unitloader.Comp
Overloaded constructor to be used to create "isNull" and "isNotNull" operations.
Comp(String, String, List, boolean) - Constructor for class unitloader.Comp
Overloaded class constructor to be used to create 'in' like comparisons.
Comp(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class unitloader.Comp
Overloaded constructor to be used to create 'equals', 'not equals', 'lower than', 'lower than or equals', 'greater than' and 'greater than or equals', and like comparisons.
composeQuery(int, int, Element, boolean) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
content - Variable in class unitloader.Response
content - Variable in class unitloader.ResponseMail
contProcessing(List) - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
Implementation of the contProcessing method which is called once all threads returned.
contProcessing(List) - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
Implementation of the contProcessing method which is called once all threads returned.
contProcessing(List) - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
Implementation of the contProcessing method which is called once all threads returned.
contProcessing(List) - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
This example implementation of contProcessing does some logging only.
contProcessing(List) - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
Implementation of the contProcessing method doing some logging and sending back the resultset as an email if an email adress is given.
contProcessing(List) - Method in interface unitloader.IUnitRequest
This method has to be implemented in order to provide a callbackhandler used to perform tasks once all query threads are completed (e.g.
createEmailContent(List) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Create an email message string containing the list of reponses from a BioCASE request.
createProviderList() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
createProviderList() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createProviderList() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
createQuery() - Static method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createQuery(Comp) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
createQuery(QBool) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
createQuery0() - Static method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createQuery2() - Static method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createQuery3() - Static method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createQuery4() - Static method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createSingleProvider() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
createSingleProvider() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
createSingleProvider() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities


debugTimer(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Print the current time (seconds) on the screen used for debugging timeout interrupts.
destination - Variable in class unitloader.Response
destination - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
diagnostics - Variable in class unitloader.Response
diagnostics - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
docStr - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor


elem - Variable in class unitloader.Comp
emailAdr - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
take some action when we reach the end of selected elements.
everybodyFinished() - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest


failures2Log(List) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Write for every failed or timeouted response within the given result list a message into an automatically generated log file.
filterSet - Variable in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
first - Variable in class unitloader.QBool
fromAddr - Variable in class unitloader.ResponseMail


getApplicationHome() - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Return the home directory where this application will find its configuration files including the unitloader subdirectory.
getCGIScriptPath() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return path to the cgi script this response belongs to.
getCGIScriptPath() - Method in class unitloader.PosterThread
Accessor for cgiScriptPath.
getCGIScriptPath() - Method in class unitloader.Provider
Accessor for cgiScriptPath.
getContent() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return xml document containing the real data.
getDateAndTime() - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Return a date time string as it is required for a protocol compliant request.
getDestination() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the intended destination of this document.
getDestination() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for destination.
getDiagnostics() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the diagnostic message created by the provider software.
getDiagnostics() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for diagnostics.
getDocStr() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for docStr.
getElem() - Method in class unitloader.Comp
Return the element name.
getFailureMessage() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for falureMessage.
getFailureState() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for failureState.
getFirst() - Method in class unitloader.QBool
Returns the first operand of this object.
getId() - Method in class unitloader.PosterThread
Accessor for id.
getIntermediate() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
Example method waiting a few seconds and returning intermediate results.
getIntermediate() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
Method to access an intermediate resultset waiting a few seconds and returning what has been returned.
getLogFileName() - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
getMessage() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return a message giving more details for the given status.
getNumResponse() - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest
Accessor for numResponse used for retrieving the number of responses already contained in the resultlist.
getOp() - Method in class unitloader.Comp
Return the name of the opereation represented with this object.
getOp() - Method in class unitloader.QBool
Returns the name of the boolean operation represented with this object.
getParam(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Read the given parameter from configuration.xml.
getProtocolQuery() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return protocol query string this response belongs to.
getProtocolRequestDoc() - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Accessor to get the entire BioCASE request XML document as it has been composed.
getProtocolRequestString() - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
getProvSoftware() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the software used by the provider module as free text string (intended) for human consumption.
getQueryConcept(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Read (x)path query concept from file specified within configuration.xml.
getQueryConceptType(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Read type information for the given query concept short name from queryconcept file defined in configuration.xml.
getRecordCount() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return number of records contained in this response and -1 if no valid value is vailable for this.
getRecordCountValue() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for recordCount.
getRecordDropped() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the number of database records which could not be converted to xml.
getRecordDroppedValue() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for recordDropped.
getRecordStart() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return number if the first record and -1 if no valid value is available for this.
getRecordStartValue() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for recordStart.
getResultList() - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest
Accessor for the ResultList.
getSecond() - Method in class unitloader.QBool
Returns the second operand of this object.
getSendTime() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the time this response has been produced by the provider (ISO).
getSendTime() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for sendTime.
getSoftware() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for software.
getSource() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the provider url.
getSource() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for source.
getStatus() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return status of the response to let the client know whether this query failed or has been timeouted.
getTimeNeeded() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return time in (milliseconds) since the threadpool has been created.
getTotalSearchHits() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return total number of search hits and -1 if no valid value is available for this.
getTotalSearchHitsValue() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for totalSearchHits.
getType() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return the type of request this reponse belongs to (search, capabilities, or scan).
getType() - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Accessor for type.
getURL() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Return url this response belongs to.
getUrlStr() - Method in class unitloader.PosterThread
Accessor for urlStr.
getUrlString() - Method in class unitloader.Provider
Accessor for urlString.
getValue() - Method in class unitloader.Comp
Return values the element is compared to.
go() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
Example method dumping some intermediate results to the screen.
go() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
Example method dumping some intermediate results to the screen.
go() - Method in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
Example method dumping some intermediate results to the screen.


iAmNumber - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
incontents - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
isEmailAdr(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Method to identify valid email addresses.
isQBool(int) - Method in class unitloader.QBool
Check whether the given child (argument) specified with the parameter of this method is a boolean operation.
IUnitRequest - interface unitloader.IUnitRequest.
Title: the IUnitRequest interface.


mailHost - Variable in class unitloader.ResponseMail
matchOpType(String, String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Check whether the given operator (short name) can be applied to the given type (at present "alphanumeric" or "numeric").
message - Variable in class unitloader.Response


ns - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
ns - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
numResponse - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest


okResp - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
op - Variable in class unitloader.Comp
op - Variable in class unitloader.QBool


PosterThread - class unitloader.PosterThread.
Title: The PosterThread class.
PosterThread(int, String, String, String, int, boolean, UnitRequest) - Constructor for class unitloader.PosterThread
Constructor for a PosterThread object used to post queries to BioCASE providers.
pQuery - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
ProtocolException - exception unitloader.ProtocolException.
Title: Protocol exception class
ProtocolException() - Constructor for class unitloader.ProtocolException
ProtocolException(String) - Constructor for class unitloader.ProtocolException
protocolNs - Variable in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
protocolQuery - Variable in class unitloader.Response
ProtocolQuery - class unitloader.ProtocolQuery.
Title: The ProtocolQuery class used to create BioCASE queries ("search", "capablities", and "scan").
ProtocolQuery(String) - Constructor for class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Constructor creates the root element for a protocol query, declares the namespaces to be used, and constructs the header for a valid BioCASE request.
Provider - class unitloader.Provider.
Title: the provider class
Provider(String, String) - Constructor for class unitloader.Provider
Constructor setting the url and script path where the query has to go.
providerLst - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
providers - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
providers - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
providers - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
providers - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
providers - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
provSoftware - Variable in class unitloader.Response


QBool - class unitloader.QBool.
Title: the QBool class representing booelan operations.
QBool(String, Comp) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for the one and only usefull unary boolean operator (not).
QBool(String, Comp, Comp) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for binary boolean operators (or, and, nor, nand).
QBool(String, Comp, QBool) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for binary boolean operators (or, and, nor, nand).
QBool(String, QBool) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for unary boolean operators (not).
QBool(String, QBool, Comp) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for binary boolean operators (or, and, nor, nand).
QBool(String, QBool, QBool) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for binary boolean operators (or, and, nor, nand).
QBool(String, String, List) - Constructor for class unitloader.QBool
Overloaded constructor for nested QBools containing multiple comparisons with the same concept and comparison operator.


rawResponse2Screen() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Print this response to the screen even if it represents erroneous content (may be used for debugging purposes).
recordCount - Variable in class unitloader.Response
recordCount - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
recordDropped - Variable in class unitloader.Response
recordDropped - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
recordStart - Variable in class unitloader.Response
recordStart - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
replaceInvalidChar(String) - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Replace invalid xml character.
report(SAXException) - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
report an exception
ReqCapabilities - class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities.
Title: Example implementation of IUnitRequest (package unitloader)
ReqCapabilities() - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
Constructor creating a capability request.
ReqScan - class unitrequestor.ReqScan.
Title: Example implementation of IUnitRequest (package unitloader)
ReqScan() - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqScan
Constructor creating a scan request.
ReqScanInterface - class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface.
Title: Example implementation of IUnitRequest (package unitloader)
ReqScanInterface(ArrayList, String, int, int) - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
Constructor creating a scan request.
ReqSearch - class unitrequestor.ReqSearch.
Title: Example implementation of IUnitRequest (package unitloader)
ReqSearch() - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
Constructor creating a search request.
ReqSearchInterface - class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface.
Title: Implementation of the IUnitRequest (package unitloader)
ReqSearchInterface(ArrayList, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
Overloaded constructor creating a search request (no email parameter)
ReqSearchInterface(ArrayList, String, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
Overloaded constructor creating a search request (including email parameter)
request - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
request - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
request - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
request - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
request - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
requestComplete() - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Check whether this request is complete.
requestType - Variable in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Response - class unitloader.Response.
Title: the Response class
Response(String, String, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class unitloader.Response
Constructor for creating a response object.
response2HTML() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Create some useless (html) representing a response which may be used for debugging purposes when using the package with a web interface system.
response2Log(List) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Write for every response within the given result list a message into an automatically generated log file.
response2Screen() - Method in class unitloader.Response
Print this response to the screen (no nice xml output).
ResponseMail - class unitloader.ResponseMail.
Title: the ResponseMail class to send back reponse sets as an email.
ResponseMail(String, String) - Constructor for class unitloader.ResponseMail
Overloaded constructor for ReponseMail object.
ResponseMail(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class unitloader.ResponseMail
Overloaded constructor for ResponseMail object.
resultList - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
results2Screen(List) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Write a list of response objects to the screen.
root - Variable in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
run() - Method in class unitloader.PosterThread
Run the query and call the callback handler to transfer the resulting xml document as a string.


second - Variable in class unitloader.QBool
sendMail() - Method in class unitloader.ResponseMail
Send the email.
sendTime - Variable in class unitloader.Response
sendTime - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
setContent(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set xml document containing the real data.
setDestination(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the intended destination url for this response.
setDiagnostics(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the diagnostics message created by the provider software.
setFromAddr(String) - Method in class unitloader.ResponseMail
Set the email address used as tzhe sender.
setMailHost(String) - Method in class unitloader.ResponseMail
Set the mailHost.
setProtocolQuery(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the protocool query this response belongs to.
setProvSoftware(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set software used by provider wrapper to produce the result.
setQuery(Comp, boolean) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Overloaded method to set the query part of a search request for comparison queries.
setQuery(int, int, Comp, boolean) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Overloaded method to set the query part of a search request for comparison operations.
setQuery(int, int, QBool, boolean) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Overloaded method to set the query part of a search request for boolean queries.
setQuery(QBool, boolean) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Overloaded method to set the query part of a search request for boolean queries.
setRecordCount(int) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the number of records contained in this response.
setRecordDropped(int) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the number of database records which could not be converted into xml.
setRecordStart(int) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the number of the first record returned.
setScanFilter(String) - Method in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery
Method to set the body of a scan request.
setSendTime(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the time when this resonse has been sent by the provider.
setSource(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the provider url.
setSubject(String) - Method in class unitloader.ResponseMail
Set the subject line for this email.
setTimeNeeded(int) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the time needed to create this response object.
setTotalSearchHits(int) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the total number of search hits (not necessarily contained in this recordset).
setType(String) - Method in class unitloader.Response
Set the type of request (scan, search, capabilities) this response belongs to.
software - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
source - Variable in class unitloader.Response
source - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
Extract a xml file at the beginning of each new element, erase any text and get some start elements information.
StaticStuff - class unitloader.StaticStuff.
Title: Some static functions
StaticStuff() - Constructor for class unitloader.StaticStuff
status - Variable in class unitloader.Response
statusFlag - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
subject - Variable in class unitloader.ResponseMail


t0 - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
textBuffer - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
theQuery - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
threadPool - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
timeNeeded - Variable in class unitloader.Response
timeNeeded() - Method in class unitloader.UnitRequest
timeOfTheDay() - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
timeout - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScan
timeout - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearch
timeout - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqCapabilities
timeout - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
timeout - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface
timeout - Variable in class unitloader.UnitRequest
timeout - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
toAddr - Variable in class unitloader.ResponseMail
totalSearchHits - Variable in class unitloader.Response
totalSearchHits - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
type - Variable in class unitloader.Response
type - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor


unitloader - package unitloader
UnitRequest - class unitloader.UnitRequest.
Title: the UnitRequest class.
UnitRequest(List, String, int, IUnitRequest) - Constructor for class unitloader.UnitRequest
Constructor for a UnitRequest.
unitrequestor - package unitrequestor
url - Variable in class unitloader.Response
url - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
url2cgiPath(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Extract the file part (path to the file or cgi script) of the given url string.
url2hostAndPort(String) - Static method in class unitloader.StaticStuff
Extract the host and port part of the given url string.
urlStr - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
urlString - Variable in class unitloader.Provider


validation - Variable in class unitloader.PosterThread
value - Variable in class unitloader.Comp


wait - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqScanInterface
wait - Variable in class unitrequestor.ReqSearchInterface


XmlExtractor - class unitloader.XmlExtractor.
Title: the XmlExtractor class
XmlExtractor() - Constructor for class unitloader.XmlExtractor
xmlHeader - Variable in class unitloader.XmlExtractor
xsiNs - Variable in class unitloader.ProtocolQuery