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1. "Partly edited" datasets of individual families or groups, in sequence as providedPartly edited records come from global treatments of the particular group. Each taxon includes full geographic distribution in TDWG standard form. Casuarinaceae Magnoliaceae Irvingiaceae Fagales Cycadales Juncaceae 2. Datasets incorporated as source records, in sequence as providedNote that source records should not normally be edited in any form except to make them fit into the database and to convert special character encoding. In particular, no attempt is made to "normalize" the genera into consistent families; generic concepts and synonymies do differ between the sources. Also, abbreviations for taxon authors and geographical categories differ widely between and within sets. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru (Peru Checklist) Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries Euro+Med preliminary checklist (version: May, 2002) Referenzliste der Moose Deutschlands Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1. Datasets incorporated as partly edited records (in sequence as provided)CasuarinaceaeUsed by permission of / owned by: LAS Johnson & KL Wilson (NSW) July 1996. Received in July 1996 from Karen Wilson Notes on contents: This dataset has been included to demonstrate the inclusion of partially edited data in the database. MagnoliaceaeUsed by permission of / owned by: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Received in December 1996 from David Frodin Conversion: W. Berendsohn, with minor corrections, from a provided database in MS Access format. Notes on contents: This dataset forms part of the following publication: Frodin, D. G. & Govaerts, R. (1996): World Checklist and Bibliography of Magnoliaceae. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Secondary references for genera as cited in the publication. IrvingiaceaeUsed by permission of / owned by: IOPI Received in November 1999 from Richard Pankhurst. Conversion from text documents by R. Pankhurst into Pandora, export into files complying with the original IOPI import specification (now obsolete). Imported to the GPC database after minor corrections by W. Berendsohn. Notes on contents: The data was extracted from the following publication: Harris, D.J. (1999): Irvingaceae. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World Part 1: 1-25. FagalesUsed by permission of / owned by: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Received in 1999 from David Frodin Conversion: W. Berendsohn, with minor corrections, from a provided database in MS Access format. Notes on contents: This dataset forms part of the following publication: Govaerts, R. & Frodin, D. G. (1998): World Checklist and Bibliography of Fagales. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. CycadalesUsed by permission of / owned by: Ken Hill and Dennis Stevenson c/- Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Received in 2000 from Ken D. Hill Conversion: W. Berendsohn, from a provided database in MS Access format, with some taxonomic and nomenclatural corrections according to the data published on the website http://plantnet.rbgsyd.gov.au/PlantNet/cycad/, and some corrections of geographical codes. JuncaceaeUsed by permission of /owned by: Jan Kirschner et al., Species Plantarum Programme, IOPI Received in 2002 from A. E. Orchard (editor) via K. L. Wilson Conversion: The data were provided as a text file extracted from the typesetter's file and converted by Javier de la Torre to the Berlin Model database structure. Notes on contents: This dataset forms part of the following publication: J. Kirschner (compiler) 2002: Species Plantarum: Flora of the World parts 6-8 - Juncaceae. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra. 2. Datasets incorporated as source records, in sequence as providedFlora Europaea (ESFEDS database)Used by permission of / owned by: Vernon Heywood Maintained by: Richard Pankhurst, RBG Edinburgh Export date: May 15, 1996 Conversion: The database is held in the Pandora system, the source file for the GPC in tagged field format was created by means of a report. Notes on contents: No information about type specimens. Notes on habitat and distribution are only incompletely incorporated exept for Vol.1. Geographic distribution is given as a list of abbreviations of "territories" in Europe. The distribution zones for the former USSR (loosely 'Russia') are totally different from the from the Hollis and Brummitt scheme of Basic Recording Units (BRU's). For the rest of Europe, the Flora's scheme is almost identical to those BRU's." Peru ChecklistUsed by permission of / owned by: Missouri Botanical Garden Downloaded 28.8.95 from Missouri Botanical Garden FTP site. Direct link: http://mobot.mobot.org/W3T/Search/peru.html Conversion: Richard Pankhurst and Jane Nyberg, RBG Edinburgh. Jim Zarucchi's help throughout the process is gratefully acknowledged. The data file as received contained taxa in order of genera and species, without families. Genera were put into their correct family in an approximate form by using the Kew families and genera and then checked manually. Missing authority strings were filled in from Flora of Peru or from Index Kewensis. The use of subtaxon names and autonyms was made consistent as to the presence and position of the authority strings. There are cases where synonyms point to names which are themselves synonyms, and we have not attempted to correct this. Reflexive pointers were corrected with Jim Zarucchi's help. Pandora was used to edit the data, which were finally exported as a report. Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)Used by permission of / owned by: Australian Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Canberra. Received in February 1996 from Greg Whitbread Direct link: Introductory information Conversion: Richard Pankhurst, RBG Edinburgh. The provided dataset was imported into Pandora, edited, and exported as a report. Some missing data (probably caused in the export procedure) was added from the publication (basionym authors, family names, and some infraspecific epithets). Additional data in the family field (comments, names of tribes, etc.) were removed. Notes on contents: This is a subset of the data that is in the full APNI database. It includes all names in APNI that were flagged (as of Jan. 1996) as also occurring in the Census of Australian Vascular Plants. Therefore there are very few synonyms other than basionyms included. USDA Plants DatabaseUsed by permission of / owned by: United States Department of Agriculture. Received in January 1997 from Gus Ray Direct link: Query the Plants Database Conversion: The data was provided in tagged field format by the Plants Database Team of the USDA. Data import effected by Frank Wolfram (Berlin). Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries© S.K. Czerepanov, 1996 Used by permission of the Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Received in October 1996 from Dmitri Geltman Conversion: Richard Pankhurst, RBG Edinburgh. The provided dataset was imported into Pandora from pcTROPICOS, edited, and exported to text. The published book (Cambridge University Press) does not agree exactly with the database. There is data in the book e.g. parentage of hybrids, which is not in the database. There is also data in the database which is not in the book e.g. some new synonymy and place of publication. No attempt was made to convert the database so that it would agree exactly with the contents of the book. The authority strings have been converted from various standards used to the TDWG standard (Brummitt & Powell), except for about 400 which could not be accounted for. The names had been provided as strings, these were parsed and in many cases the higher taxa referred to were added. Numerous cases of synonyms of synonyms, and synonyms without accepted names were corrected. Relicts of Russian (Cyrillic) text were translated or removed. The abbreviations for books and journals have been corrected in many places, but inconsistencies remain particularly due to incomplete original data and different transliterations used. The conversion to IOPI format and the import into the checklist database was effected by W. Berendsohn. Med-Checklist Vol. 1 & 3Used by permission of: Werner Greuter Maintained by: W. Berendsohn Export date: May 28, 1998 Conversion: The database is held at the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem. Output for IOPI GPC-Format is directly generated from the Med-Checklist database. Secondary references: Volume 1, Volume 3, Volume 4. Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen DeutschlandsUsed by permission of / owned by: The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Received in 2003 from Rudolph May (BfN). Direct link: http://www.floraweb.de/datenservice/datenservice.html?datenservice/datenservicetext.html Conversion: Marc Geoffroy. The data were provided in an Oracle database and converted to the Berlin Model structure in an SQL-Server database. As far as possible the data were interpreted in order to keep and extract concept synonyms. Notes on contents: This dataset about German ferns and flowering plants includes the data as they were published (“R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler - Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands 1998.”) but also the current updates (“BfN - FloraWeb DB, 2003. “) as well as comparisons to seven floristic or taxonomic treatments (“EHRENDORFER - Liste der Gefäßpflanzen Mitteleuropas”, “HEGI - Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa”, “GREUTER et. al. - Med-Checklist“, „OBERDORFER - Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora.“, „ROTHMALER - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland.“, „SCHMEIL-FITSCHEN - Flora von Deutschland und angrenzenden Ländern.“ and „TUTIN et al. - Flora Europaea“). All these data are still being checked and must be handled as provisional. Referenzliste der Moose DeutschlandsUsed by permission of /owned by: The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Received in 2001 from Rudolph May (BfN). Conversion: Marc Geoffroy. The data were provided in an Oracle database and converted to the Berlin Model structure in an SQL-Server database. Notes on contents: This dataset about mosses in Germany includes the data as they were published (“Koperski & al.”) with their comparison to eleven floristic or taxonomic treatments (“Corley & al. (1981/1991)”, “Frahm & Frey (1992)”, “Grolle & Long (2000)”, “Ludwig & al. (1996)”, “Mönkemeyer (1927)”, “Müller (1951-58)”, “Paton (1999)“, „Paul (1931)“, „Proskauer (1958)“, „Smith (1980)“ and „Smith (1990)“). All these data are still being checked and must be handled as provisional. Rosaceae family databaseOwned by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Received in 2005 from Richard Pankhurst Conversion: Richard Pankhurst, Marc Geoffroy & Anton Güntsch. The data were provided as text exports from the original database and converted to the Berlin Model structure in an SQL-Server database. Created by Richard Pankhurst, with help from Liz Pilling and Geoff Harper, at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and using the PANDORA taxonomic database system. The primary content is scientific names at all levels, with citations of publications. Some names have accepted or synonymous status, by reference to standard publications. Type specimen data has not yet been made available. Distribution data has not been entered. Enquiries to Richard@rbge.org.uk