Note: The BioCASe information repository is updated regularly, so your search results may differ after each update.
Quality control of the information accessed by the BioCASe is the responsibility of the data providers and national nodes. If you encounter any problems with the quality of the information please notify us.
Viewing search results
After you execute a search for collection level information or unit level information, you are presented with a list of results that were found to match your search criteria. You can review the list and select the items that interest you in order to view additional details about them.
for Organizations and Collections
list of results for a collection level search is a list of
the names and geographic locations of organizations and collections
match your search criteria.
Listed organizations and
collections that follow
a * contain
information extracted from websites by an automated process.
1. View the list of results.
2. Select the results about which you would like additional details by clicking the checkboxes in the View column. You can select all the items in the list with the Select All button and you can clear all your selections with the Clear All button.
3. Click the View Selections button.
4. View the detailed descriptions for your selections. The information in certain fields in the detailed description is hyperlinked. You can click on these links to view related information.
You can also view a result for a single organization or collection by clicking directly on its name.
If you would like to view details about other items from the summary list, click the back button and repeat the selection process.
Note: The detailed description for every organization or collection is comprised of the same set of fields. However, since data providers choose which information to make available via the BioCASe, there may be information provided for some organizations or collections that is not available for others.
for Specimens and Observations
list of results for a specimen level search is a list of specimens
and/or observations that match
your search criteria. The list includes the ID of the
specimen or observation, as well as the host organization and
collection, the
scientific name, and the country in which the specimen or observation
was gathered.
1. View the list of results.
2. Select the results about which you would like additional details by clicking the checkboxes in the View column. You can select all the items in the list with the Select All button and you can clear all your selections with the Clear All button.
3. Click the View Selections button.
the detailed descriptions for your selections.
If you would like to view details about other items from the summary list, click the back button and repeat the selection process.
Note: Since individual data providers can choose which information to make available via the BioCASe, the information provided for specimens and observations in different collections may vary greatly.
Saving search results to a file
save detailed
results for collections and institutions, or specimens and
observations, to a text file.
§ To save results to a text file:
1. On the detailed results page, click the Txt Report button. A text file will open with the results.
From the File menu select Save As.
Select a folder
and give the
file a name.
4. Click Save.